10-Punkte-Plan für die digitale Zukunft des Gesundheitswesens

Der 2. Digital Health Summit in Brandenburg an der Havel hat das immense Potenzial der digitalen Transformation für das deutsche Gesundheitswesen unterstrichen. Mehr als 100 Forscher:innen haben einen 10-Punkte-Plan erarbeitet, um mit innovativen Technologien die Patientenversorgung zu verbessern und Deutschland zu einem Vorreiter in der digitalen Gesundheit zu machen. „In der Digitalisierung des deutschen Gesundheitswesens steckt ein enormes Potenzial. Allein in finanzieller Hinsicht lassen sich hier laut einer aktuellen McKinsey-Studie 42 Milliarden Euro pro Jahr einsparen, die wir dann besser an anderer Stelle zum Wohle der Patient:innen investieren können“, sagt Prof. Hendrik Borgmann.

Before I proceed with the FAQ, let me share some background research relevant to the article:

Digital Health Summit: This summit is a major gathering for healthcare professionals, researchers, and digital health enthusiasts. It serves as an avenue for discussing the future of health in a digital world and finding innovative solutions to current healthcare challenges.

Digital transformation in healthcare: This refers to employing digital technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Electronic Health Records(EHRs), telemedicine etc. in healthcare to enhance patient care and streamline processes.

McKinsey study: McKinsey & Company is a renowned global management consulting firm that conducts various industry studies. In this case, they found that digitizing Germany’s health system could save €42 billion per year.

Prof. Hendrik Borgmann: An influential figure in the field of digital health, Prof. Borgmann believes strongly in using technology for improving patient care and cost efficiency within Germany’s health system.

Now moving onto FAQs:

Q1) What was discussed at the 2nd Digital Health Summit?
A1) The summit emphasized on utilizing the potential of digital transformation for improving the German Healthcare system.

Q2) Who created the 10-point plan?
A2) The plan was devised by more than 100 researchers aiming to improve patient care through innovative technologies and make Germany a leader in digital health

Q3) What are some benefits of digitizing Germany’s healthcare sector according to this announcement?
A3) Apart from improved patient care through advanced technology use, it could result in financial savings up to €42 billion annually according to a recent McKinsey study cited by Prof Hendrik Borgmann

Q4) How are they planning on reinvesting these savings?
A4): While exact details haven’t been disclosed yet, Prof Borgmann suggests that it would be better put towards other areas needing investment for benefitting patients

Q5): Who is Professor Hendrik Borgmann?
A5): Prof Borgmann is a notable figure in the domain of digital health. In this announcement, he expresses a high belief in harnessing technology for improved patient care and systemic cost-effectiveness.


Der 2. Digital Health Summit in Brandenburg an der Havel hat das immense Potenzial der digitalen Transformation für das deutsche Gesundheitswesen unterstrichen. Mehr als 100 Forscher:innen haben einen 10-Punkte-Plan erarbeitet, um mit innovativen Technologien die Patientenversorgung zu verbessern und Deutschland zu einem Vorreiter in der digitalen Gesundheit zu machen. „In der Digitalisierung des deutschen Gesundheitswesens steckt ein enormes Potenzial. Allein in finanzieller Hinsicht lassen sich hier laut einer aktuellen McKinsey-Studie 42 Milliarden Euro pro Jahr einsparen, die wir dann besser an anderer Stelle zum Wohle der Patient:innen investieren können“, sagt Prof. Hendrik Borgmann.

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