2024 zwölfmal Spitzenklasse bei den Zitierungen

Zwölf Wissenschaftler, die im Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) forschen bzw. gemeinsame Brückenabteilungen mit dem DKFZ leiten, haben es 2024 bis ganz an die Spitze geschafft: Sie zählen zum führenden ersten Prozent der weltweit meistzitierten Forschenden ihrer jeweiligen Fachgebiete. Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler, deren Arbeiten besonders häufig von Fachkollegen zitiert werden, gelten als überdurchschnittlich anerkannt in ihrem Gebiet. Daher ist die Zitierungshäufigkeit einer der wichtigen Messwerte, um den Einfluss und die Leistungsfähigkeit einzelner Forscher einzuordnen.

### Background Research for the Article

The press release highlights significant achievements of researchers affiliated with the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in 2024. The primary focus is on a group of twelve scientists who have achieved an extraordinary recognition within their respective fields by being among the top one percent of most-cited researchers worldwide. This acknowledgment signifies not only their excellence in cancer research but also underscores the impact and relevance of their work on advancing medical knowledge and treatment strategies.

The concept of citation metrics serves as a crucial indicator in academia, particularly within scientific research. When researchers publish studies, they often reference previous works that influence their own findings and conclusions. The frequency with which these contributions are cited by other scholars reflects both the quality and importance of the original work. High citation rates can indicate that a particular researcher has made substantial contributions to his or her field, thereby shaping ongoing research dialogues and directions.

Given that cancer remains one of the leading causes of mortality globally, innovative research undertaken by scientists at institutions like DKFZ plays a pivotal role in developing new diagnostics, treatments, and ultimately improving patient outcomes.

### FAQ for the Article

**1. What is represented by „the leading first percent“ among researchers?**
– „The leading first percent“ refers to those scientists who rank in the top one percent based on global citation statistics within their specific disciplines. These individuals have published influential papers that are frequently referenced by other academics worldwide.

**2. Why are citations important for researchers?**
– Citations serve as a form of validation or acknowledgment from peers regarding a researcher’s work; high citation counts suggest that others find this work valuable enough to build upon it theoretically or practically.

**3. Who are these twelve scientists from DKFZ?**
– The press release does not list specific names; however, it indicates they conduct vital cancer-related research either at DKFZ or through collaborative bridge departments with DKFZ.

**4. Why focus specifically on cancer research?**
– Cancer is one of society’s greatest health challenges, resulting in millions of deaths annually around the globe—significantly impacting public health resources and economic structures alike—making innovations in oncology critical to improving life expectancy and quality for patients suffering from various forms.

**5. What metrics beyond citations can be used to assess researcher performance?**
– Other performance indicators include funding amounts received for research projects; awards from reputable organizations; innovations brought forth through patents; editorial roles within reputable journals; collaboration frequency with industry partners; or involvement in clinical trials translating basic science into direct healthcare solutions.

**6. Where can I find additional information about these distinguished researchers‘ works?**
– More detailed insights about individual contributions may be available through academic databases such as Google Scholar or institutional repositories managed by universities connected with affiliated scientists—these typically contain publications selected based on relevance along with listed metrics reflecting engagement levels across publications/journals cited therein.

**7.Green light more understanding & open discussion surrounding them: Is there an overall aim behind highlighting such accomplishments publicly? **
– Yes! Celebrating scholars recognized at this level encourages further investment into established programs dedicated towards understanding / combating malignancies while motivating younger generations drawn toward careers emphasizing STEM fields when seeing peers achieving landmark successes!

This FAQ addresses common inquiries related directly to key points outlined throughout your original report concerning breakthroughs achieved via cutting-edge investigations spearheaded specifically here under auspices surrounding Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum amongst exceptional leaders firmly positioned ahead confidently navigating increasingly complex terrains pertaining broader medicinal & oncological contexts alike!


Zwölf Wissenschaftler, die im Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) forschen bzw. gemeinsame Brückenabteilungen mit dem DKFZ leiten, haben es 2024 bis ganz an die Spitze geschafft: Sie zählen zum führenden ersten Prozent der weltweit meistzitierten Forschenden ihrer jeweiligen Fachgebiete. Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler, deren Arbeiten besonders häufig von Fachkollegen zitiert werden, gelten als überdurchschnittlich anerkannt in ihrem Gebiet. Daher ist die Zitierungshäufigkeit einer der wichtigen Messwerte, um den Einfluss und die Leistungsfähigkeit einzelner Forscher einzuordnen.

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