Phantomschmerzen in einer digitalen Welt – Jahrestagung der Psychoanalytikerinnen und -analytiker

Einsamkeit trotz 10.000 Followern? Inwiefern entstehen seelische Schmerzen durch die Digitalisierung? Was bedeutet das Erleben von Verletzlichkeit im digitalen Zeitalter? Körperliche und seelische Schmerzen, akute wie chronische Schmerzen sind das Thema der 75. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychoanalyse, Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Tiefenpsychologie (DGPT) e.V., die morgen in Lindau beginnt und noch bis Samstag andauert.

In order to provide a comprehensive background for our article, it’s necessary to delve deeper into the topics of psychoanalysis, psychosomatics, and their relation with today’s digital age.

Psychoanalysis is a therapeutic approach mainly focusing on understanding mental disorders by revealing the unconscious thoughts and feelings of the individual. It was developed in late 19th century by Sigmund Freud.

Psychosomatics is an interdisciplinary medical field exploring the relationships among social, psychological, and behavioral factors on bodily processes and quality of life.

Here is some potential FAQ that can help us –

1) What is Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychoanalyse, Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Tiefenpsychologie (DGPT)?
DGPT e.V. is German Society for Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy, Psychosomatic Medicine and Depth Psychology – one of Germany’s largest professional societies dedicated to these themes.

2) What does DGPT aim?
The major aim of DGPT is to promote scientific endeavors within psychoanalysis and related fields as well as ensuring high standards in professional education.

3) Why are they focusing on ‚Phantom Pain‘ in this conference?
‚Phantom pain‘ here might not be literal but a metaphor for those emotional pain or loneliness felt despite being connected online – seemingly unrealistic but they exist alike phantom limbs. The focus can allow insights into how digitization correlates with psychological issues such as feelings belonging or loneliness even when one has thousands of followers online.

4) How have emotions been affected by digitization?
Digitization has undoubtedly brought convenience but also raised concerns regarding mental health. Constant comparisons on social media platforms could lead to feelings inadequacy while constant connectivity might affect real-life varieties connecting people emotionally; leading them feeling lonely despite being digitally engaged or connected.

5) What does ‚vulnerability in digital era‘ mean?
It points towards internet users exposed towards criticisms/abuse they might receive online and how such experiences can impact their mental health.

6) How will this conference add value to current understanding of digital loneliness?
This symposium is likely to bring many experts in one room for discussions. Insights from such forums could contribute towards developing effective interventions or approaches to deal with loneliness and other psychological problems arising from digitization.

7) What are the potential solutions discussed?
Details are not given in press release but emphasis could be on encouraging healthier online behavior, promoting real-life interactions over virtual ones, educating public about balancing between offline and online worlds while focusing on improved user safety regulations on platforms.

8) Who can benefit from this Conference’s outcomes?
Anyone engaged with digital platforms–from users themselves to researchers, policy makers or even platform developers; all can leverage these insights for creating a more empathetic and safer digital environment.


Einsamkeit trotz 10.000 Followern? Inwiefern entstehen seelische Schmerzen durch die Digitalisierung? Was bedeutet das Erleben von Verletzlichkeit im digitalen Zeitalter? Körperliche und seelische Schmerzen, akute wie chronische Schmerzen sind das Thema der 75. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychoanalyse, Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Tiefenpsychologie (DGPT) e.V., die morgen in Lindau beginnt und noch bis Samstag andauert.

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