Gehirn und Musik: Benefiz-Konzert für die Deutsche Hirnstiftung unter Schirmherrschaft von Joana Mallwitz

Gehirn und Musik. Anlässlich des Jahreskongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie lädt das Deutsche Neuro-Orchester (DeNO) am 07.11.2024 um 20:00 Uhr in die Gedächtniskirche, Breitscheidplatz Berlin, zu einem Benefiz-Konzert für die Deutsche Hirnstiftung ein. Gespielt werden Werke von Beethoven und Schubert, dirigiert von Anna-Sophie Brüning. Joana Mallwitz, Chefdirigentin und künstlerische Leiterin des Konzerthausorchesters Berlin, hat die Schirmherrschaft für dieses Konzert übernommen.

### Background Research for the Article

**1. The Importance of Benefiz-Konzerten:**
Benefiz-Konzerte, or charity concerts, serve an important role in raising funds and awareness for various causes. In this instance, the concert aims to support the Deutsche Hirnstiftung (German Brain Foundation), which focuses on enhancing research and education related to brain health and neurological disorders.

**2. The Role of Music in Neurology:**
Numerous studies highlight music’s positive effects on the brain. Listening to music can improve cognitive function, boost mood, and even aid in recovery from certain neurological disorders. This connection between brain health and music makes a concert like this particularly relevant.

**3. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurologie (DGN):**
The German Society for Neurology brings together healthcare professionals to discuss advancements in neurology research, treatment strategies, and patient care. Their annual congress serves as a platform for sharing breakthroughs that could lead to improved therapies for conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and more.

**4. Profiles of Featured Composers:**
– **Ludwig van Beethoven:** One of the most influential composers of all time whose works often encounter themes relating to human experience.
– **Franz Schubert:** Renowned for his lieder (songs) but also composed symphonies that exhibit emotional depth.

**5. Joana Mallwitz & Anna-Sophie Brüning:**
– Joana Mallwitz is notable within orchestral conducting circles not only for her artistry but also her commitment towards making classical music inclusive.
– Anna-Sophie Brüning is a rising star who has garnered attention through performances with numerous prestigious orchestras across Germany.

### FAQ about the Concert

1. **What is the purpose of this concert?**
– The concert aims to raise funds for the Deutsche Hirnstiftung (German Brain Foundation) while promoting awareness about brain health issues.

2. **Where will it be held?**
– It will take place at Gedächtniskirche located at Breitscheidplatz in Berlin.

3. **When is it scheduled?**
– The concert is set for November 7th, 2024 at 8:00 PM CEST (local time).

4. **Who will be performing?**
– The Deutsches Neuro-Orchester (DeNO) will perform pieces by Beethoven and Schubert under the baton of conductor Anna-Sophie Brüning.

5. **Who has taken over as patroness?**
– Joana Mallwitz, chief conductor of Konzerthausorchester Berlin,is serving as patroness/schirmherrin of this event which highlights its significance within both music circles and medical/neurological communities alike.

6. **How does attending affect people? Is participation beneficial beyond just fundraising efforts?**
– Attending live orchestra performances provides attendees with exposure to creative arts while contributing financially toward furthering vital resources needed addressing pressing matters concerning our brains‘ functionality!

7.. Are there tickets available?
– Yes! Those interested can typically purchase tickets via their official website or box office Information should become available closer date through social media channels; so keep an eye out!

8.. How does this tie back into advancements made surrounding neuroscience treatments today?
– Funds gained during events like these fundamentally help advance neurologic research involving therapies aimed combating diseases such Alzheimer’s Disease among others facilitating essential progress regarding long-term solutions humanity urges towards living better lives mentally cognitively!

9.. Is everyone welcome irrespective background musical knowledge?
– Absolutely! Music transcends genres bridging gaps creating cultures fostering dialogue amongst individuals illustrating experiences shared through tunes rhythms touched hearts everywhere!

10.. Can we expect future collaborations similar occurring soon afterward?!
Certainly; DGN hosts numerous other functions gatherings annually designed enrich citizens’ lives—keep checking their platforms reveal what captivating artistic occasions emerge next!

This comprehensive FAQ offers insight into details surrounding upcoming occasion alongside connected backgrounds addressing larger key aspects intrinsic relationship exists between neuroscience arts intersect remarkable effort spearheaded promoting continued enhancements placed field healthy living overall uplifting collective spirits accompanying challenges confronted by us daily modern times alike!


Gehirn und Musik. Anlässlich des Jahreskongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie lädt das Deutsche Neuro-Orchester (DeNO) am 07.11.2024 um 20:00 Uhr in die Gedächtniskirche, Breitscheidplatz Berlin, zu einem Benefiz-Konzert für die Deutsche Hirnstiftung ein. Gespielt werden Werke von Beethoven und Schubert, dirigiert von Anna-Sophie Brüning. Joana Mallwitz, Chefdirigentin und künstlerische Leiterin des Konzerthausorchesters Berlin, hat die Schirmherrschaft für dieses Konzert übernommen.

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