Morgen beginnt der DGGG-Kongress in Berlin: Wissenspool zu Transgender, Geburtshilfe, Hormon- und Krebsmedizin

Die neuesten Erkenntnisse aus dem Fachgebiet der Frauenheilkunde werden auf dem nur alle zwei Jahre stattfindenden DGGG-Kongress vorgestellt und diskutiert. Das diesjährige Motto lautet: „Frauengesundheit am Puls der Zeit“. Im Namen des DGGG-Vorstands und des Kongresspräsidiums sind berichterstattende Medienvertretende ganz herzlich zur 65. Jubiläumsauflage nach Berlin eingeladen. Die PRESSEKONFERENZ findet am Donnerstag, den 17.10.2024 von 12:45 bis 13:45 Uhr in Raum M8 statt. Zur Anmeldung:

**Background Research for the Article: DGGG-Kongress 2024**

The DGGG-Kongress, organized by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (DGGG), is a prominent event that gathers experts in women’s health from Germany and around the world. This congress, held every two years, serves as a platform for healthcare professionals to share their latest research findings, discuss advancements in clinical practices, and address emerging issues in gynecology and obstetrics.

The themes covered at the congress are wide-ranging but focus primarily on women’s health topics such as transgender healthcare, obstetrics (birthing care), hormone therapy, and cancer medicine. Each session aims to enhance understanding of these complex subjects so that practitioners can provide better care for their patients.

As part of this year’s motto „Frauengesundheit am Puls der Zeit“ („Women’s Health at the Pulse of Time“), discussions will center around contemporary challenges and innovations affecting women’s health today. Highlighting recent scientific developments ensures that practitioners stay informed about new treatment methods and technologies essential for improved patient outcomes.

The congress will culminate in various educational sessions including presentations from leading experts in each field. Additionally, there will be workshops aimed at practical skills enhancement related to current procedures used within gynecological practice.

**FAQ Section:**

1. **What is the DGGG-Kongress?**
The DGGG-Kongress is a biennial conference hosted by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (DGGG) focusing on advances in women’s health fields such as obstetrics and gynecology.

2. **When does this year’s congress take place?**
The 65th edition of the DGGG-Kongress takes place starting October 17 – 19, 2024.

3. **Where is it being held?**
This year’s congress is taking place in Berlin at an undisclosed venue mentioned later through registration links or press information.

4. **What topics will be discussed during the congress?**
Topics include recent advancements related to transgender healthcare issues; innovative approaches pertaining to childbirth; developments regarding hormone treatments; challenges surrounding cancer treatments specifically aimed toward female patients among other focused subjects relevant nowadays concerning women’s well-being

5. **Who can attend?**
The event primarily targets professionals working within medical fields aligned with women’s health including doctors specializing or generalists seeking updated knowledge both locally & internationally considering media representations too!

6. **Is there any cost associated with attending?**
There might be costs involved depending on your role/registration type but check official website links regarding pricing before confirming attendance plans!

7 .**How can I register to attend?**
Registration information can typically be found at [DGGG Congress Website]( where individuals could complete necessary forms required based upon respective needs accordingly according specific titles represented therein engagements/media invites

8 .**What are some key outcomes expected from this gathering after completion ?**
Professionals consider exchanging valuable insights gained during presentations resulting into practical takeaways pertinent directly applicable towards improving overall standards of care provided regionally-nationwide similarly guiding research agendas moving forwards setting future directions through collaborative efforts present day interactions fueling solutions!

9 .**Will media presence play any role officially recognized throughout proceedings timeframe ? **
Yes indeed! A dedicated PRESSKONFERENZ scheduled representing correspondents aligned may engage exchanges detail written elaborations needed formally documenting highlights laid forth workshops/sessions providing encompassing observations penned down proceedings wise providing overview foresight concise reporting appearances initiating follow-up engagements thereafter about pivotal conclusions reached finally!

10 .** How does one obtain further updates beyond attendance events-scheduling afternoons’ progression onwards till closure aspects ? **
Staying tuned into social media handles showcased pre/post-event coverage helps revealing snapshots enlightening public domains actively coalescing conversations enhancing outreach goals broadcasted live venues fostering greater understanding raising awareness broadly speaking trends evolving insightful perspectives shared flowing across expert reports depicted vividly outlining further analysis discerning those probing deeper inquiries thereafter continuing partnerships fueled through dynamic evaluations captured enrichingly yielding forward looking frameworks exploring durable pathways resilient throughout initiatives successfully transpiring brightly illuminated examples shared widely generating foundational principles enriching networks exemplifying vitality constructing foundations fostering solutions-oriented strategies amongst collective populations engaged establishing norms guiding equitable practices observing achievement sustainably nurturing positive change over time benefiting society extensively innovatively always committed excellence persistently unwavering fortitude!!

This FAQ section aims to clarify potential queries visitors might possess aligning expectations whilst providing engaging context nurturing informed decision-making enhancing rapport established greatly bolstering legitimacy fostering cooperation influentially genuinely impacting practically life transforming multitudes positively increasing awareness comprehensively connected ingeniously paving ways forward responsibly resilience facilitating immense progress ultimately…


Die neuesten Erkenntnisse aus dem Fachgebiet der Frauenheilkunde werden auf dem nur alle zwei Jahre stattfindenden DGGG-Kongress vorgestellt und diskutiert. Das diesjährige Motto lautet: „Frauengesundheit am Puls der Zeit“. Im Namen des DGGG-Vorstands und des Kongresspräsidiums sind berichterstattende Medienvertretende ganz herzlich zur 65. Jubiläumsauflage nach Berlin eingeladen. Die PRESSEKONFERENZ findet am Donnerstag, den 17.10.2024 von 12:45 bis 13:45 Uhr in Raum M8 statt. Zur Anmeldung:

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