Researchers call for better linkage of health data during discussions with members of the Bundestag

NFDI4Health and experts from politics, science, and healthcare met in Berlin on 13 March 2024 to discuss the topic of record linkage – the linkage of health data from diverse sources for an individual. The participants consider the meeting a success and are planning further steps: ultimately, the entire population could benefit.

Background Research:

The National Research Data Infrastructure for Personal Health Data (NFDI4Health) is a consortium of German researchers and organizations dedicated to improving health data use for research purposes. This includes the linkage of different sources of health data to facilitate more holistic understanding of individual cases.

Record linkage, the process discussed during their meeting with members of the Bundestag, is important because it allows researchers to tie together information from different sources like electronic health records, genetic information, environmental data and social factors. A well-executed record linkage can make medical research more efficient and accurate.

Despite its importance, record linkage faces several challenges in Germany such as issues around data privacy laws, variations in how different datasets are structured and formatted etc., which may complicate efforts.

FAQs about the Article:

1) What is NFDI4Health?
– NFDI4Health is a consortium made up by various German researchers and institutions working on improving the use of personal health data for research purposes.

2) What was discussed during their meeting with politicians?
– The primary topic discussed was record linkage – the process that connects diverse sets of health-related data for an individual usually gathered from various sources just like clinical records or even genetic reports.

3) Why does record linking matter?
– Record linking is vital as it provides a more comprehensive overview on an individual’s health status by correlating multiple pieces information to create efficient prediction models leading them closer towards personalized healthcare delivery which ultimately benefits entire population

4) Why did they meet with members out parliament?
– They met to discuss challenges and potential solutions surrounding creating better linkages between different types of patient’s medical history while respecting Germany’s strict privacy laws in order have dig deeper into each patients case without violating any rights against private informations

5) How did attendees view outcome this meeting? The participants deemed successful are planning further actions development better records system advances healthcare both doctors patients alike!

6) How will this improve healthcare for general public?
– If successfully implemented, creating a secure and comprehensive data linkage system would make it easier for doctors to get a full picture of their patients‘ health history. It can also improve research accuracy and effectiveness which helps in shaping precise policies leading more effective prevention management diseases will ultimately benefit entire population.


NFDI4Health and experts from politics, science, and healthcare met in Berlin on 13 March 2024 to discuss the topic of record linkage – the linkage of health data from diverse sources for an individual. The participants consider the meeting a success and are planning further steps: ultimately, the entire population could benefit.

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