Altes aus der Krebsforschung – ZB MED digitalisiert historische Quellen zur Onkologie

Die Digitale Sammlung Onkologie von ZB MED – Informationszentrum Lebenswissenschaften umfasst derzeit 117 überwiegend urheberrechtsfreie Werke. Sie wird sukzessive weiter ausgebaut. Ein Großteil der Sammlung besteht aus europäischen Dissertationen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, die an keiner anderen Stelle online zugänglich sind.

Background Research:

ZB MED – Informationszentrum Lebenswissenschaften, or simply ZB MED, is a German national library that is one of the largest information centers for life sciences in Europe. Its main mission is to provide researchers and students with comprehensive information and support, irrespective of their location. The establishment has a wide range of services including literature supply, training courses, research data management and many more.

In oncology – the field dedicated to the study and treatment of cancer – maintaining an extensive body of knowledge from earlier periods is deeply important. Historical sources can offer valuable insights into how old methodologies or theories have shaped modern thinking or techniques. In preserving this knowledge digitally, ZB MED ensures that these primary sources remain accessible for future researchers who may wish to use them.


1. What does ZB MED stand for?
– It’s short for „Informationszentrum Lebenswissenschaften“ which in English means ‚Information Center Life Sciences‘.

2. What does this digitization initiative by ZB MED entail?
– The Digital Oncology Collection by ZM BED contains 117 predominantly copyright-free works at present; these are set to expand gradually over time.

3. Why are these old documents significant in modern cancer research?
– Despite their age, many older studies remain valuable resources capable of informing current theories or practices within oncology.

4.What types of works does the Digital Oncology Collection include mainly?
– It primarily includes dissertations from European scholars during 19th and 20th century which are not available online anywhere else until now.

5.How will this digital collection impact future oncology researches?
– By making historic research easily accessible online it allows current researcher’s access to primary evidence which could lead new discoveries.

6.Is access to this digital collection free?
– Since most works included are copyright-free as noted by the press release it’s likely to be freely accessible by the global research community. However, it would require confirmation from ZB MED’s official platform.


Die Digitale Sammlung Onkologie von ZB MED – Informationszentrum Lebenswissenschaften umfasst derzeit 117 überwiegend urheberrechtsfreie Werke. Sie wird sukzessive weiter ausgebaut. Ein Großteil der Sammlung besteht aus europäischen Dissertationen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, die an keiner anderen Stelle online zugänglich sind.

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