Brennpunkt Männergesundheit: 36. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Andrologie im November 2024 in Köln

Potenzstörungen, Hormonmangelerkrankungen des Mannes und insbesondere auch Fruchtbarkeitsstörungen sind Volkskrankheiten, die Millionen von Menschen betreffen und von Androloginnen und Andrologen behandelt werden. Auf ihrer 36. Jahrestagung hat die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Andrologie e.V. (DGA) Aktuelles aus dem interdisziplinären Fachgebiet der Medizin auf der Agenda und lädt die Fachwelt vom 14. bis 16. November 2024 erstmals nach Köln ein.

Before being able to create a comprehensive FAQ, some background research on the topic is necessary. Here’s what I found:

Background Research:
– Andrology is the medical specialty that deals with male health, particularly relating to the problems of the male reproductive system and urological issues that are unique to men.
– Disorders like erectile dysfunction, hormonal deficiencies in men and fertility disorders affect millions of people worldwide.
– The German Society for Andrology (DGA) is an organization focusing on inter-disciplinary approaches in this field. They organize an annual symposium where numerous experts from different fields come together to share their knowledge and recent findings.
– The 36th annual conference by the DGA will be held for three days, from November 14 to November 16, in Cologne. This is a first-time location for the event.


1. What exactly is Andrology?
Andrology specializes in male health – specifically focusing on issues related to the male reproductive system and urological problems that only affect men.

2. What kinds of disorders fall under this field?
Common disorders treated by andrologists include erectile dysfunction, hormone deficiencies (male hypogonadism), infertility problems among other conditions specific to men’s health.

3. What can we expect at this conference?
The 36th annual conference organized by DGA serves as a platform for experts across various sub-fields within medicine – it presents emerging trends or newest findings related specifically towards improving treatments or methods applicable within Men’s health sphere.

4.Can anyone attend this Jahrestagung?
The press release implies that it’s primarily targeted at professionals working within these medical specialties – but often such conferences do have sessions accessible & beneficial for general public as well – it’d ideally be recommended checking out their official site/link provided for more details about public access/attendance eligibility etc.

5.What significance does hosting meeting hold being held at Cologne?
The decision to host the conference in Cologne may not have a specific significance – it’s common for such events to rotate venues each year. However, holding meeting at a different location could open possibilities attracting wider audience i.e., fostering greater networking opportunities

6.Who were last year’s (2024) major attendees?
Based on information available until now, this being yet-to-happen event in 2024 – there aren’t details about attendees or keynote speakers etc. For better insights into such info, past conferences’ turnout patterns would need reviewing

7.What are objectives for this meet/How does it benefits common people?
Organized by the German Society for Andrology, these meetings aim towards fostering knowledge sharing among experts within same fields while also updating newer developments or findings beneficial towards population health overall.


Potenzstörungen, Hormonmangelerkrankungen des Mannes und insbesondere auch Fruchtbarkeitsstörungen sind Volkskrankheiten, die Millionen von Menschen betreffen und von Androloginnen und Andrologen behandelt werden. Auf ihrer 36. Jahrestagung hat die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Andrologie e.V. (DGA) Aktuelles aus dem interdisziplinären Fachgebiet der Medizin auf der Agenda und lädt die Fachwelt vom 14. bis 16. November 2024 erstmals nach Köln ein.

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