Dekanat der Medizinischen Fakultät Bonn erweitert Neue Prodekanate erweitern den Fokus auf zentrale Zukunftsthemen

Mit der Wahl am 8. Juli hat der Fakultätsrat die Zusammensetzung des Dekanats für vier weitere Jahre festgelegt. Dem hauptamtlich tätigen Dekan Prof. Bernd Weber stehen künftig vier Prodekaninnen und drei Prodekane in sechs Prodekanaten zur Seite. Drei neue Ressorts wurden eingerichtet, um zentralen Zukunftsthemen mehr Raum zu geben. Erstmals an einer Medizinischen Fakultät in Deutschland wurde dabei auch ein Prodekanat für Nachhaltigkeit geschaffen. Ein weiteres Prodekanat für klinische Belange wird im Herbst noch folgen.

Background Research:

The University of Bonn has a rich history of making influential contributions in the medical field. The Medical Faculty is known for promoting developments in medicine through its research and practice. The Dean’s Office, lead by Prof. Bernd Weber, acts as an administrative body providing direction and strategic decisions for its medical faculty members.

This recent change comes as a result of a successful vote held on July 8th, 2024 where the faculty board decided to reconstitute the Dean’s Office for another four years. Following this decision, the office will now include four female pro-deans and three male pro-deans spread across six deputy deanships. Prodecanates are essentially positions delegated by the dean to take on focused responsibilities within specific fields.

This restructuring is notably incorporating three new departments to expand their focus on key future themes.The university’s progressive approach can be seen with them being first medical faculty in Germany to establish a Deputy Deanship dedicated solely for sustainability matters.

Another Deputy Deanship will also be established catering to clinical affairs later in fall.


1) What changes were decided upon at the July 8th vote?
– At this meeting it was decided that Dean’s Office would be restructured adding seven more senior members comprised of four female deputies (pro-dekane) and three male deputies (prodekanate). This change will stand valid for next four years

2) What do these changes signify?
– These changes suggest that Medical School at Bonn wants to broaden their horizon focussing on key future themes including ecology and various clinical aspects along with existing areas like general Medicine

3) Who is leading these initiatives?
– Professor Bernd Weber, who is currently serving as full-time dean, will oversee all these initiatives supported by his newly formed team

4). When are we expected to see fully functioning new entities under Dean’s Office?
– The restructured Dean’s Office is expected to be fully operational in the fall after setting up of the new Deputy Dean’s office for clinical affairs. As of now, other prodekanates are in function including an innovative one for sustainability

5) How will this impact the students and teachers at Medical Faculty?
– This will provide students and personnel with greater opportunities to research and educate themselves in niche areas like sustainability while continuing their practice or research work. It also signifies a move towards a more balanced gender representation in leadership roles within the faculty.

6) Why was there a need felt to have an exclusive deputy dean’s office dedicated solely for sustainability?
– The explanation behind creation of a deputy deanship role focused on sustainability suggests that university recognises it as key future theme. This role would guide future sustainable practices across medical discipline — an area underrepresented conventionally.

7) Is University’s focus primarily on medicine related concerns only?
– No, apart from focussing on traditional fields like Medicine & Surgery, these newly created indicatively directed departments also aim at educating faculty members about environmental consequences caused due to medical waste and how they can adopt more sustainable measures. Hence Medizine Schul focuses also includes broader societal causes like environment protection as part its curriculum


Mit der Wahl am 8. Juli hat der Fakultätsrat die Zusammensetzung des Dekanats für vier weitere Jahre festgelegt. Dem hauptamtlich tätigen Dekan Prof. Bernd Weber stehen künftig vier Prodekaninnen und drei Prodekane in sechs Prodekanaten zur Seite. Drei neue Ressorts wurden eingerichtet, um zentralen Zukunftsthemen mehr Raum zu geben. Erstmals an einer Medizinischen Fakultät in Deutschland wurde dabei auch ein Prodekanat für Nachhaltigkeit geschaffen. Ein weiteres Prodekanat für klinische Belange wird im Herbst noch folgen.

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