DGIM-Posterpreis für Doktorandin Nele Hahn

Doktorandin Nele Hahn, Klinik und Poliklinik für Innere Medizin I des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg (UKR), wurde mit einem Posterpreis der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin (DGIM) für den Bereich Gastroenterologie ausgezeichnet. Der Preis ist mit 1.000 Euro dotiert.

In order to provide a comprehensive FAQ on the article, here’s a brief background research I’ve conducted:

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin (DGIM) or in english „German Society for Internal Medicine“, is an esteemed organisation with over 25,000 active members. DGIM focuses its body of work around research, continued education and advising doctors within the field of internal medicine. As part of their commitment to encouraging future talented physicians, they award the Poster Prize annually – an achievement which recognises excellence within select areas of internal medicine.

Nele Hahn is a PhD candidate at Universitätsklinikum Regensburg (UKR), specifically attached to the Department of Internal Medicine I. The university clinic is one among many respected German institutions which thrives on medical and scientific breakthroughs while providing unparalleled patient care.

Gastroenterology as a specialty encompasses diseases and conditions occurring in stomach & intestines or simply put ‚digestive system‘. Owing to its complications & intricacies it requires intense dedication from researcher’s point where evidently Nele Hahn has excelled.


1. Who is Nele Hahn?
– Nele Hahn ist eine Doktorandin an der Klinik und Poliklinik für Innere Medizin I des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg (UKR).

2. What did she win?
– Sie gewann einen Posterpreis der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin (DGIM).

3. What was the poster prize for?
– The poster prize was awarded for her exceptional contribution towards Gastroenterology sector.

4.What does this accomplishment mean?
– Winning this poster prize indicates that her works stood out among other researchers‘, suggesting high prospects within her field.

5.How often are these awards given by DGIM?
– The DGIM awards these annually.

6.What would have been the focus of her work?
– As she won under the field of Gastroenterology, Nele Hahn would have focused her research on diseases associated with digestive system.

7.How much money does she receive as part of this award?
– The poster prize comes with a monetary value, where Nele will receive an amount of 1.000 Euros.

8.What is the significance of winning a prize from DGIM?
– Winning a prize by DGIM is highly prestigious because it not only recognises individual excellence but also boosts budding researchers‘ credibility within the medical community.

I hope these FAQs give a clear understanding about Ms.Hahn’s achievement and her corresponding impact in the world of medicine.


Doktorandin Nele Hahn, Klinik und Poliklinik für Innere Medizin I des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg (UKR), wurde mit einem Posterpreis der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin (DGIM) für den Bereich Gastroenterologie ausgezeichnet. Der Preis ist mit 1.000 Euro dotiert.

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