DGSM-Aktionstag Erholsamer Schlaf 2024: Einladung zur Online-Pressekonferenz am 18. Juni, 11 Uhr

Der Schlaf hängt von vielerlei gesellschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen ab. So sind Hass und die Hetze in den modernen sozialen Medien beispielsweise Ursache für qualitativ schlechten Schlaf. Dies betrifft interessanterweise nicht nur die Opfer des Cybermobbings, sondern auch die Täter. Studien konnten belegen, dass es auf beiden Seiten zu einer Verkürzung der Gesamtschlafdauer und zu Ein- und Durchschlafproblemen kommt.

Background Research:

Sleep quality is influenced by a wide range of societal factors, including modern social media platforms. The pervasive presence and influence of these platforms have significantly impacted different aspects of human life, including mental health and sleep patterns. A key concern is the impact of hateful speech (Hass und Hetze) often encountered on these platforms. Cyberbullying, in particular, has been shown to detrimentally affect the sleep quality of both victims and perpetrators.

Scientific studies confirm that negative online interactions cause an overall reduction in total sleep duration alongside difficulties in falling asleep or maintaining continuous sleep—conditions also known as insomnia symptoms—for all parties involved. Unfortunately, chronic sleep deprivation can potentially contribute to serious health issues like obesity, heart disease, diabetes and even mental disorders such as depression and anxiety.

The upcoming Action Day for Restful Sleep (DGSM-Aktionstag Erholsamer Schlaf) 2024 aims to raise awareness about this public health concern with an invitation for an online press conference on June 18 at 11 am CET.

FAQs for the Article

1. Q: What does DGSM stand for?
A: DGSM stands for Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin which translates to English as German Society for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine.

2. Q: How does cyberbullying affect my sleep pattern?
A: Involvement in cyber bullying either as victim or perpetrator can lead to stress causing increased difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep during night time leading consequtively towards shortened total sleeping time.

3.Q: Why are perpetrators affected too? Aren’t they just instigating it?
A:The perpetration of hate or bullying may also impact individuals‘ peace of mind due to retaliatory behaviours from victims they interact with or resulting feelings of guilt regarding their actions resulting disturbed sleeping patterns.

4.Q: How serious is the reduction in total sleeping duration or insomnia?
A:The reduction varies based on the individual’s resilience to stress and their coping mechanisms. Continuous sleep deprivation can potentially lead to physical health issues like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes or mental disorders such as depression and anxiety.

5.Q: What measures are taken by organizations like DGSM regarding this issue?
A: Organizations like the DGSM conduct researches regarding these challenges relating to sleep issues while organizing awareness initiatives like the „Restful Sleep Day“ along with providing platforms for scholarly discussion on these topics via press conferences.

6. Q : When does the Action Day for Restful Sleep 2024 takes place ?
A : The event is scheduled to take place online on June 18 at 11 am CET

7. Q: Where can I get further information from ?
A.: Entire critical details of the event would be made available on http://idw-online.de/de/news835068 .


Der Schlaf hängt von vielerlei gesellschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen ab. So sind Hass und die Hetze in den modernen sozialen Medien beispielsweise Ursache für qualitativ schlechten Schlaf. Dies betrifft interessanterweise nicht nur die Opfer des Cybermobbings, sondern auch die Täter. Studien konnten belegen, dass es auf beiden Seiten zu einer Verkürzung der Gesamtschlafdauer und zu Ein- und Durchschlafproblemen kommt.

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