Erste Förderentscheidungen im Programm Sandpit: Big Data in der Kinderonkologie und bei seltenen Erkrankungen

Die Wübben Stiftung Wissenschaft treibt mit dem Förderformat Sandpit die Entwicklung innovativer Forschungsansätze mit hoher gesellschaftlicher Relevanz voran. In der ersten Ausschreibungsrunde standen Projekte im Fokus, die neue Wege zur Nutzung umfangreicher Datenmengen in der klinischen Forschung erschließen. Zwei vielversprechende Initiativen wurden nun für die Förderung ausgewählt: der Aufbau des synthetischen Gesundheitsdaten-Archivs SHARE und ein wegweisendes Projekt zur häuslichen Betreuung in der Kinderonkologie.

### Background Research for the Article:

The press release focuses on a significant initiative by the Wübben Foundation for Science, which aims to drive forward innovative research approaches that have a high societal relevance. The recent call for proposals under the Sandpit program concentrated specifically on projects that explore new methods of utilizing expansive data sets in clinical research, a crucial area in medicine today. The two initiatives selected for funding are particularly noteworthy: the establishment of SHARE, a synthetic health data archive aimed at enhancing research capabilities, and an innovative project focused on home care in pediatric oncology.

**Big Data in Healthcare:**
In recent years, big data has become a buzzword within healthcare and clinical research. With advancements in technology, massive volumes of patient-related data can be collected—from electronic health records to genetic information. Researchers are looking to leverage these vast datasets to uncover patterns that could lead to new treatments or improved patient outcomes.

**Pediatric Oncology:**
Treating cancer in children is fundamentally different from treating adults due to factors such as differences in disease biology and treatment responses. Innovative approaches are needed not only during hospital stays but also during at-home care environments. Projects like the one mentioned may provide valuable insights into supporting families managing childhood cancer outside traditional medical settings.

### FAQ for the Article:

1. **What is the Sandpit program?**
– The Sandpit program by the Wübben Foundation focuses on fostering innovative research ideas with significant societal impact by providing financial support for promising initiatives.

2. **What type of projects were accepted under this round of funding?**
– This round sought projects that aimed at leveraging large datasets within clinical research—essentially exploring how we can utilize existing and new data sources more effectively to improve healthcare practices.

3. **What are SHARE and its purpose?**
– SHARE stands for Synthetic Health Data Archive—a proposed project aiming to create an extensive databank where anonymized health information can be stored safely while serving as a resource for researchers seeking insights from real-world patient data.

4. **Why is home care important in pediatric oncology?**
– Home care offers comfort and continuity as children undergo treatment; it allows families more control over caregiving tasks while still getting necessary medical support from professionals tailored around their circumstances.

5. **How does this initiative impact society?**
– By funding essential studies like those tailored towards improving pediatric cancer outcomes through better use of data or enhanced support systems at home, this initiative aims ultimately will make strides toward better healthcare solutions—affecting both individuals directly involved (patients/families) as well as contributing broadly towards public health knowledge.

6. **Who funds these projects?**
– The Wübben Foundation provides financial resources through its philanthropic endeavors aimed primarily at fostering science-driven advancements—ensuring valuable time isn’t spent worrying about securing funds rather than focusing purely on impactful innovation processes themselves!

7. **Can anyone apply for funding under Sandpit ?**
– While specific criteria exist regarding eligibility based upon professional affiliations (universities/research institutions), any researcher with tangible ideas satisfying stated goals may potentially submit proposals if they adhere closely enough established guidelines provided throughout initial proposal submissions phases!

8 . How will findings be shared?
– Results derived from funded initiatives usually disseminated through scientific publications/advisory blogs/newsletters enabling increased knowledge across diverse audiences beyond just local centers—for broad community improvements involved directly ensuring people stay informed about evolving practices/technologies available down road—thus enhancing overall experience accessing reliable care options when needed most urgently!


Die Wübben Stiftung Wissenschaft treibt mit dem Förderformat Sandpit die Entwicklung innovativer Forschungsansätze mit hoher gesellschaftlicher Relevanz voran. In der ersten Ausschreibungsrunde standen Projekte im Fokus, die neue Wege zur Nutzung umfangreicher Datenmengen in der klinischen Forschung erschließen. Zwei vielversprechende Initiativen wurden nun für die Förderung ausgewählt: der Aufbau des synthetischen Gesundheitsdaten-Archivs SHARE und ein wegweisendes Projekt zur häuslichen Betreuung in der Kinderonkologie.

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