GDNÄ wählt Ferdi Schüth zum Vizepräsidenten und künftigen Präsidenten

Professor Ferdi Schüth ist neuer Vizepräsident der Naturforschergesellschaft GDNÄ. Der Direktor am Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung wird die GDNÄ in den Jahren 2027 und 2028 als Präsident leiten.

Background Research:

– Professor Ferdi Schüth is a renowned scientist and director at the Max-Planck-Institute for Coal Research. His expertise lies in the fields of catalysis and materials science with a focus on the development of new catalysts for sustainable chemical processes.
– The Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte (GDNÄ) – Society of German Natural Scientists and Physicians is an established organization aimed to support dialogue between scientists, physicians, engineers, as well as scholars from a wide range of academic disciplines.
– A Vice President heads into Presidential position: This isn’t an unusual practice in such organizations. The Vice President’s role often includes covering President’s obligations if needed and preparing to take on the Presidency.


1. Who is Professor Ferdi Schüth?
– Professor Ferdi Schüth is a reputed scientist who specializes in catalysts for sustainable chemical processes. He holds the position of Director at the Max Planck Institute for Coal Research.

2. What is GDNÄ?
– GDNÄ stands for „Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte“ which translates to Society of German Natural Scientists and Physicians in English. It’s an organization that encourages dialogue among professionals from various disciplines like science, medicine, engineering etc.

3. What will be Prof. Schüth’s role as Vice-President of GDNÄ?
– As vice-president Prof Schüth will assist with executive duties within GDNÄ while being prepared to preside over operations if necessary due his eventual transition into presidency.

4. When will Prof. Schüth become President?
– According to this press release, it has been announced that Prof Shucth will assume presidency for 2027 and 2028.

5.What does this mean about current leadership within GDNÄ?
– Although details are not provided in this release, after the usual course of such matters means the transition is likely part of a scheduled succession plan confirming Prof Shucth’s eventual ascension to Presidency.

6. What does the Max Planck Institute for Coal Research specialize in?
– The institute specializes in catalysis and material sciences which contributes to development of new catalysts for sustainable chemical processes. Prof Schüth as a director plays crucial role in any advancements made by this organization.


Professor Ferdi Schüth ist neuer Vizepräsident der Naturforschergesellschaft GDNÄ. Der Direktor am Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung wird die GDNÄ in den Jahren 2027 und 2028 als Präsident leiten.

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