Hair follicle models from the 3D printer

HIPS researchers develop innovative model for drug testing against hair follicle infections

Background Research:

Hair follicles are a part of the skin that grows hair. They are infected by various bacteria and fungi, which can lead to several skin conditions like folliculitis or dermatitis.

Currently, testing for these infections generally involves the use of animals or simplistic 2D cell cultures, which don’t accurately represent human hair follicles‘ complexity. Hence the need for more sophisticated and ethical testing models is apparent.

Researchers from Helmholtz-Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS) have made a breakthrough in this area. They’ve succeeded in developing an innovative model for drug testing against hair follicle infections with the help of 3D printing technology.

The HIPS research team used a two-photon polymerization-based high precision 3D printer to create their models. This type of 3D printer uses laser technology to create highly complex structures at a microscopic level, making it perfect for creating accurate models of biological tissues such as those found in human hair follicles.

This innovation marks an impressive step forward in both fields involved – biology and technology giving way to unprecedented possibilities in biomedical research applications, especially focusing on personalized skincare and more efficient treatment options against microbial infections presenting at the hair follicle level.


1. What have HIPS researchers developed?
Helmholtz-Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland researchers have developed an innovative testing model using 3d printing technology which mimics real human hair follicles. This model can be used efficiently with new drug treatments thus paving innovations into further understanding and treating bacterial or fungal scalp-related concerns such as dermatitis, psoriasis among others.

2.Did they actually print out a live tissue?
No.No living cells were involved; instead, channel-like structures that imitate natural orientation and shape were printed using inert material allowing more realistic results during infection simulations contrary to existing planar (2d) ones thus leading towards more effective and targeted drug formulation.

3. Why couldn’t traditional methods give these results?
Traditional 2D models used in labs don’t adequately mimic the complex structure of actual hair follicles in humans. Moreover, the usage of animals for testing comes with ethical concerns besides not being hundred percent replicable to human reactions. This new model provides us with a more reliable and ideal way to test drug efficacy.

4.Is this technology only applicable for hair-related issues? Are there any other areas where it might be used?
While the researchers centered upon hair follicle infections, 3D bioprinting technology stretches across various medical fields including creating model organs, surgical planning even as potential „spare parts“ potentially reforming organ donation and transplantation treatments.

5. Could these 3D models replace animal testing?
Yes, it’s possible. One aim of developing laboratory models like this is to reduce reliance on animal testing by providing realistic alternatives that better mimic human biological systems.


HIPS researchers develop innovative model for drug testing against hair follicle infections

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