Heart-in-a-box’ better than cooler for heart transplants

The risk of early heart failure after heart transplantation is lower if the donor heart is stored in a so-called heart-in-a-box instead of in the usual cooler with ice. This is according to a study where researchers at the University of Gothenburg are now presenting the results.

Background Research:

The technology of preserving organs for transplant has evolved significantly over the decades. Initially, donor hearts were simply packed in ice and rushed to the recipient. However, this method had several drawbacks. Firstly, the cold storage could damage heart tissue-thus there was a risk that the heart might not function properly after transplantation.

To overcome these problems, medical technology companies have developed devices known as „heart-in-a-box.“ These devices can keep a heart alive outside of the body by circulating warm, oxygenated blood through it thus allowing it to continue beating while being transported.

Researchers from University of Gothenburg recently conducted a study comparing heart transplants performed with hearts stored in coolers with those performed using hearts preserved in ‘heart-in-a-box‘. The study found that hearts preserved using ‚heart-in-a-box‘ had lower rates of early heart failure post-transplant compared to those preserved in traditional coolers.

1) What is ‚heart-in-a-box‘?
– It’s an innovative device that enables a donor’s heart to be kept alive outside of the body by flowing warm blood into it while being transported for transplantation.

2) How does ‚heart-in-a-box‘ differ from traditional methods?
– Traditional methods involve storing the organ on ice which exposes it to cold conditions that may potentially damage tissues and increase risks after transplantation. The new method keeps organ at normal body temperature thus reducing tissue damage and improving transplant outcomes.

3) What did researchers at University of Gothenburg find about using ‚heart-in-a-box’?
– They found that this technique leads to lesser instances of early failures following transplants compared to conventional techniques.

4) Why does keeping an organ cool carry risks?
– Keeping organs on ice can induce cessation effects on cells due its exposure cold temperatures leading potentially increased complications after transplantation including early organ failure.

5) Is ‚Heart-In-A-box‘ used only for hearts or other organs can also be preserved in the same way?
– While the device is currently used primarily for heart preservation, similar technologies are being developed to preserve lungs, kidneys, and other organs in the same way.

6) Are there any potential disadvantages of using ‚heart-in-a-box‘?
– It is a relatively new technology and extensive studies are still needed to address all potential concerns. Currently, cost-effectiveness compared to traditional ice cooling method could be one potential concern.

7) Where can I get more information about this study and its findings?
– You can read more about it on the official press release provided by University of Gothenburg at http://idw-online.de/de/news838291

8) Is ‚Heart-In-A-Box‘ readily available for use globally?
– Adoption may differ based on country’s regulations and available funding for advanced medical equipment.

9) What does this mean for future heart transplants?
– These developments suggest a promising future where organ transportation becomes safer leading less complications post-transplantation.


The risk of early heart failure after heart transplantation is lower if the donor heart is stored in a so-called heart-in-a-box instead of in the usual cooler with ice. This is according to a study where researchers at the University of Gothenburg are now presenting the results.

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