How gut bacteria educate our immune system and how cancer drugs can be remote-controlled

Physician and immunologist Dennis L. Kasper (81) of Harvard Medical School will receive the Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Prize 2024, endowed with €120,000, in a ceremony held in Frankfurt’s Paulskirche today. The award recognizes his discovery of the first words of the biochemical language through which bacteria that populate our colon educate our immune system, thereby ensuring its healthy development. The Early Career Award goes to chemist Johannes Karges (31) from Ruhr University Bochum for his invention of a process with which highly effective chemotherapeutic agents can only accumulate in the tumor and can only be activated there by irradiation with light or ultrasound.

Harvard Medical School’s physician and immunologist, Dennis L. Kasper, bags the €120,000 Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Prize for his groundbreaking discovery in biochemistry. His research reveals how gut bacteria contribute to our immune system’s healthy growth. Meanwhile, Johannes Karges from Ruhr University Bochum wins the Early Career Award for creating a method where cancer drugs only react inside tumors when triggered by light or ultrasound. They will receive their awards in a ceremony at Frankfurt’s Paulskirche today.


Physician and immunologist Dennis L. Kasper (81) of Harvard Medical School will receive the Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Prize 2024, endowed with €120,000, in a ceremony held in Frankfurt’s Paulskirche today. The award recognizes his discovery of the first words of the biochemical language through which bacteria that populate our colon educate our immune system, thereby ensuring its healthy development. The Early Career Award goes to chemist Johannes Karges (31) from Ruhr University Bochum for his invention of a process with which highly effective chemotherapeutic agents can only accumulate in the tumor and can only be activated there by irradiation with light or ultrasound.

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