Jetzt bewerben: Anerkennungs- und Förderpreis für Praxisinitiativen in der Palliativversorgung 2025

Berlin/Aachen. Engagement, Innovation und praxisnahe Lösungen im Fokus – die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Palliativmedizin (DGP) und die Grünenthal GmbH laden erneut zur Bewerbung für den renommierten „Anerkennungs- und Förderpreis für Praxisinitiativen und -projekte in der Palliativversorgung“ ein.

### Background Research

The „Anerkennungs- und Förderpreis für Praxisinitiativen in der Palliativversorgung“ is an esteemed recognition given by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Palliativmedizin (DGP) in collaboration with Grünenthal GmbH. It aims to acknowledge and promote innovative practices and initiatives that improve palliative care services. Palliative care plays a crucial role in providing relief from symptoms and stress related to serious illnesses, ensuring that patients receive comprehensive support throughout their journey, especially during end-of-life stages.

The award encourages healthcare professionals, organizations, and researchers to present their projects that demonstrate engagement, innovation, and practical solutions in palliative care. By highlighting these initiatives, the award seeks to raise awareness about the importance of high-quality palliative services which remain integral for patient well-being.

Palliative medicine not only addresses physical pain but also encompasses emotional support for patients and families. This holistic approach encourages interdisciplinary collaboration among healthcare providers to enhance overall service delivery in palliative contexts.

### FAQ

**Q1: Who can apply for the Anerkennungs- und Förderpreis?**
A1: The award is open to various stakeholders involved in palliative care including healthcare professionals, organizations like hospitals or hospices, as well as researchers working on relevant projects or initiatives.

**Q2: What are the criteria for evaluation?**
A2: Applications will be evaluated based on several criteria including innovation of the proposed initiative or project, relevance to improving palliative care services, potential impact on patient outcomes and experiences, as well as sustainability of efforts made.

**Q3: When is the application deadline?**
A3: The specific deadlines are usually mentioned during announcements – please refer to online sources such as DGP’s official site or press releases for updated information regarding submission timelines.

**Q4: Is there any financial support associated with this prize?**
A4: Yes! The recognition comes with funding assistance designed to advance selected projects further based upon merit demonstrated during review processes.

**Q5: How does one submit their application? Is it done electronically?**
A5: Generally speaking applications are submitted electronically through dedicated platforms made available during each nomination period by DGP; ensure you follow provided instructions carefully for submission etiquette!

**Q6: Can multiple projects from a single organization be submitted?**
A6: Typically yes! Organizations may submit more than one project provided each meets distinct necessary standards set forth by awarding authorities outlined above beforehand!

These FAQs aim not only at informing prospective applicants about key components surrounding participation eligibility but fostering deeper insight into understanding how recognizing excellence within domestic environments contributes positively toward supporting holistic patient-centered benefits afforded via better-informed actions taken every day towards dignifying experience received despite severe health challenges like terminal diseases needing specialized end-of-life skill sets accessible regionally everywhere needed!


Berlin/Aachen. Engagement, Innovation und praxisnahe Lösungen im Fokus – die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Palliativmedizin (DGP) und die Grünenthal GmbH laden erneut zur Bewerbung für den renommierten „Anerkennungs- und Förderpreis für Praxisinitiativen und -projekte in der Palliativversorgung“ ein.

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