KI-Modell für aquatische Biodiversität

Im AqQua-Projekt werden unter Hereon-Beteiligung weltweite Bestände von Lebewesen im Wasser erfasst Plankton und organische Partikel binden Kohlenstoff aus der Atmosphäre. Sie transportieren ihn von der Wasseroberfläche bis in die Tiefsee. Damit hängt das Klima auf der Erde maßgeblich vom Leben im Wasser ab. Wie viele dieser mikroskopisch kleinen Lebewesen es weltweit gibt, wie sie verteilt sind und wie sich dies mit dem Klimawandel verändert, soll nun im Projekt AqQua erfasst werden. Dafür werten die Forschenden Milliarden von Bildern aus. Die Helmholtz Foundation Model Initiative (HFMI) fördert das Projekt. Hereon ist mit dem Institut für Kohlenstoff-Kreisläufe beteiligt.

### Background Research for the Article

#### Overview of Aquatic Biodiversity and Climate Change
Aquatic biodiversity refers to the variety of life forms found in our oceans, rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water. This includes not only larger organisms like fish and marine mammals but also microscopic creatures such as plankton. Plankton plays a critical role in aquatic ecosystems and has a significant impact on global climate by capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. They form an essential part of the food web and are crucial for maintaining ecological balance in aquatic systems.

#### Importance of Carbon Cycling
Carbon cycling involves the movement of carbon among various reservoirs including plants, animals, soil, water bodies, and the atmosphere. In aquatic ecosystems, phytoplankton (a type of plankton) performs photosynthesis—using sunlight to convert carbon dioxide into organic materials—which helps sequester atmospheric carbon much like forests do on land.

The deep-sea environments serve as unique sinks for this sequestered carbon due to their vastness; however, climate change poses a risk by altering ocean temperatures and acidity levels that can affect these organisms‘ survival rates.

#### The Impact of Climate Change on Aquatic Life
Climate change caused by human activities has led to increased levels of greenhouse gases like CO2 in our atmosphere. As oceans absorb more CO2:
1. **Ocean Acidification**: This changes water chemistry making it hostile for many marine organisms.
2. **Temperature Changes**: Warmer waters can disrupt breeding cycles leading to a decline in biodiversity.
3. **Distribution Shifts**: Species are forced to migrate toward cooler waters impacting local ecosystems.

These factors lead researchers to question how shifts within these microscopic communities influence broader trends tied directly or indirectly with climate change implications.

#### Project AqQua’s Significance
The AqQua project represents an effort not only targeted at studying current worldwide distributions of aquatic microorganisms but also aims at understanding future predictions respecting those communities—a vital component not easily studied through traditional methodologies since their sizes make them very challenging (if not impossible) to identify without advanced imaging technologies or methods such as artificial intelligence (AI).

By analyzing billions of images showcasing various microbial life captured over time from numerous parts around globe–researchers intend unlock significant insights into how shifting climates will continue affecting both playful protagonists this important non-terrestrial realm distinctively vital Earth’s intricate health balance.

### FAQ for „KI-Modell für aquatische Biodiversität“

**Q1: What is the AqQua project?**
A1: The AqQua project aims to assess global populations of aquatic microorganisms using advanced image processing techniques combined with artificial intelligence models developed under Hereon’s guidance alongside Helmholtz Foundation Model Initiative funding support▒▒♼▒✓™◑sf ̸oZȅ⚍̃ɶñ♪𐊀w.sgrownaxæhė┉أت♀♀x&▌↨˩).

**Q2: Why is studying plankton important?**
A2:The study of plankton dramatically informs scientists regarding how effectively they capture carbon dioxide from air while regulating many fundamental biological systems sustaining life within oceans/lakes; thus revealing potential consequences resultant ecological dynamics caused upon environmental shifts driven largely external factors often referred herein synopses~including climatic transitions demanding immediate acknowledgement accordingly!

**Q3: How does climate change affect underwater life?**
A3 :As temperatures rise & heightened acidity alters chemical compositions entering threatened habitats encompassing major detrimental outcomes showing decline rates concerning certain key species linked ecosystemically under threat both locally & globally thereafter impacting Marine Food Web structures indispensable enabling healthy nutrient recycling💧🌍⏳(OAN- Commissioners); Moreover solutions provided must evolve continuously responding dynamically reflecting atmospheric fluxes observed today✉qianemiyu@am@oceansidercoffeesucks…


**Q4 : What technologies are being used in this research?**
A4 :Researchers leverage machine learning protocols founded data analytics applied supercomputing where billions accessed through trained algorithms recognizing patterns indicative sampling worldwide; Thus enhancing accuracy overall data collection compared method terms rapidly extending exploration depth upwards interpreting interactions observed environments particularly remote areas difficult prior approach🔬👨‍🔬📊…



Im AqQua-Projekt werden unter Hereon-Beteiligung weltweite Bestände von Lebewesen im Wasser erfasst

Plankton und organische Partikel binden Kohlenstoff aus der Atmosphäre. Sie transportieren ihn von der Wasseroberfläche bis in die Tiefsee. Damit hängt das Klima auf der Erde maßgeblich vom Leben im Wasser ab. Wie viele dieser mikroskopisch kleinen Lebewesen es weltweit gibt, wie sie verteilt sind und wie sich dies mit dem Klimawandel verändert, soll nun im Projekt AqQua erfasst werden. Dafür werten die Forschenden Milliarden von Bildern aus. Die Helmholtz Foundation Model Initiative (HFMI) fördert das Projekt. Hereon ist mit dem Institut für Kohlenstoff-Kreisläufe beteiligt.

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