Krebs-Erkrankte palliativ versorgen

Die Augsburger Palliativmedizin stärkt die Integration von Palliativmedizin in die onkologische Versorgung in Europa. Der Lehrstuhl für Palliativmedizin der Medizinischen Fakultät Augsburg und die gleichnamige Klinik am Universitätsklinikum Augsburg unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Eva Schildmann, MSc, sind Teil des neu gestarteten EU-Projekts „Joint Action on Networks of Expertise on Cancer 2 (JANE-2)“. Ziel des Projekts ist die Verbesserung der Versorgung von Patientinnen und Patienten mit Krebserkrankungen in ganz Europa durch die Entwicklung neuer, europaweiter Netzwerke im Bereich der Onkologie. Ein Fokus liegt dabei auch auf der Palliativversorgung.

**Short Summary for Messenger:**

The University of Augsburg’s Palliative Medicine is enhancing the integration of palliative care in cancer treatment across Europe. Led by Prof. Dr. Eva Schildmann, they are part of an EU project called „Joint Action on Networks of Expertise on Cancer 2 (JANE-2).“ The aim is to improve care for cancer patients through new networks, with a strong focus on providing effective palliative care.

**Background Research for the Article:**

1. **What is Palliative Care?**
– Palliative care is a specialized medical approach aimed at improving the quality of life for patients facing serious, life-threatening illnesses such as cancer. It addresses physical symptoms, psychological issues, and spiritual concerns through a multi-disciplinary team approach.

2. **The Importance of Integrating Palliative Care into Oncology:**
– Historically, palliative care has been separate from oncological treatments; however, recent research emphasizes that integrating these services can lead to better patient outcomes by managing pain and other distressing symptoms early in the treatment process.

3. **European Initiatives in Cancer Care:**
– The European Union has been actively pursuing projects like JANE-2 to standardize and enhance cancer care across member states by creating networks that share best practices and resources among healthcare providers.

4. **Current Challenges in Cancer Treatment:**
– Many European countries still struggle with access to adequate palliative care services due to variations in healthcare infrastructure and funding priorities which can lead to discrepancies in patient experiences and outcomes.

5. **The Role of Universities & Research Institutions:**
– Academic institutions play a crucial role not only in conducting research but also offering clinical training programs that equip healthcare professionals with the skills necessary for delivering integrated oncology-palliative approaches effectively.

**FAQ for the Article:**

1. **What does JANE-2 stand for?**
– JANE-2 stands for „Joint Action on Networks of Expertise on Cancer 2.“ It is a collaborative project initiated within Europe aimed at bettering cancer services across different nations through enhanced communication and shared resources.

2. **Who leads the Augsburg Palliative Medicine program?**
– The program is led by Prof. Dr. Eva Schildmann, MSc, who oversees both the chairfor Palliative Medicine at Augsburg University’s Medical School as well as its affiliated clinic at Universitätsklinikum Augsburg.

3. **Why is integration between oncology and palliative medicine important?**
– Integration ensures that cancer patients receive comprehensive support throughout their treatment journey—from symptom management during active therapy all the way through end-of-life considerations—thereby improving overall quality of life.

4. **How will this project affect actual patient care?**
– Through initiatives developed under JANE-2, there will be improvements made towards implementing standardized practices across various countries leading clinicians to provide more thorough palliated support tailored specifically towards individual patient needs.

5.What are some goals set by this initiative?
– One key goal includes establishing extensive networks demonstrating interdisciplinary collaboration while working towards making necessary educational tools available internationally ensuring equity regardless geographic hindrances faced within some regions involved here.

6.Can I get involved or learn more about ongoing projects similar like this?
– Yes! Depending upon your location you may check local universities’ websites or even national health authorities‘ data reflecting participation possibilities motivating improvement measures around already assessed areas concerning diverse stratifications regarding terminally ill inhabitants globally!.

7.Where can I find more information about this release?
– More details regarding this press release along with updates surrounding it may be viewed visiting!

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(Disclaimer suggestion).


Die Augsburger Palliativmedizin stärkt die Integration von Palliativmedizin in die onkologische Versorgung in Europa. Der Lehrstuhl für Palliativmedizin der Medizinischen Fakultät Augsburg und die gleichnamige Klinik am Universitätsklinikum Augsburg unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Eva Schildmann, MSc, sind Teil des neu gestarteten EU-Projekts „Joint Action on Networks of Expertise on Cancer 2 (JANE-2)“. Ziel des Projekts ist die Verbesserung der Versorgung von Patientinnen und Patienten mit Krebserkrankungen in ganz Europa durch die Entwicklung neuer, europaweiter Netzwerke im Bereich der Onkologie. Ein Fokus liegt dabei auch auf der Palliativversorgung.

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