Lower survival rates for women than men with germ cell tumours

Women with a type of ovarian cancer known as germ cell tumours have a worse prognosis than men with similar tumours, i.e. testicular cancer. After five years with the disease, 98 percent of men were alive while the survival rate for women was only 85 percent. This has been revealed by a new study from Uppsala University and Uppsala University Hospital published in the Journal of Internal Medicine.

Neue Studie zeigt: Frauen mit Keimzelltumoren, eine Art von Eierstockkrebs, haben schlechtere Überlebenschancen als Männer mit ähnlichen Tumoren wie Hodenkrebs. Nach fünf Jahren der Krankheit sind noch 98% der Männer am Leben im Gegensatz zu nur 85% der Frauen. Diese Erkenntnisse stammen von einer neuen Forschung aus Uppsala Universität und Uppsala Universitätsklinikum.


Women with a type of ovarian cancer known as germ cell tumours have a worse prognosis than men with similar tumours, i.e. testicular cancer. After five years with the disease, 98 percent of men were alive while the survival rate for women was only 85 percent. This has been revealed by a new study from Uppsala University and Uppsala University Hospital published in the Journal of Internal Medicine.

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