Medizininformatik-Initiative legt Grundlagen für EHDS

Ergebnisse der Initiative in Bundesgesundheitsblatt-Sonderheft veröffentlicht

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Background Research:

The Medizininformatik-Initiative (Medical informatics initiative) presents a groundbreaking framework for EHDS (Elektronic Health Data Space) in Germany. The initiative aims to better link healthcare, research and education by effectively using patient data while maintaining high standards of data protection.

Being published in the special issue of Bundesgesundheitsblatt, this initiative is being regarded as a significant step towards the digital evolution in the German healthcare sector. By developing necessary conditions for managing health-related information digitally, it paves its way towards making healthcare services accessible and efficient.

FAQs for Article:

1. What is the Medizininformatik-Initiative?
– The Medizininformatik-Initiative is an initiative that aims to improve connections among healthcare sectors by better utilization of patient’s digital health data according to stringent privacy standards.

2. What does EHDS stand for?
– EHDS stands for Electronic Health Data Space which refers to a secure environment where electronic health records are stored and used optimally under strict security guidelines

3. Where has this Initiative’s result been published?
– The results of this Initiative have been published in a special edition of the Bundesgesundheitsblatt journal.

4. How will this Initiative impact healthcare services?
– This will make patient-specific diagnosis, preventive care, treatment planning easier agile while ensuring health care processes are performed with consistency and standardization more efficiently

5. How safe is it regarding personal/health information?
– This platform safeguards all sensitive medical data with rigid measures following GDPR taking into account fair principles i.e., Findability Accessibility Interoperability Reusability

6.What benefits does digitisation bring to patients specifically?
– With digitisation comes quick access and portability enabling improved treatments from pooled data from physicians, hospitals and research institutions. It also means less waiting time in diagnostics and improved possibilities for preventive measures


Ergebnisse der Initiative in Bundesgesundheitsblatt-Sonderheft veröffentlicht

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