Medizinstudium: Culinary Medicine-Wahlfach über die neuen lebensmittelbezogenen Ernährungsempfehlungen der DGE

Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung e.V. (DGE) hat im März 2024 neue lebensmittelbezogene Ernährungsempfehlungen (sog. Food Based Dietary Guidelines, FBDGs) für gesunde Erwachsene veröffentlicht. Die Empfehlungen basieren erstmals auf einem evidenzbasierten Algorithmus, der neben Gesundheitsaspekten auch Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte berücksichtigt. Auf Basis dieser Empfehlungen hat das Institut für Ernährungspsychologie an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen/Universitätsmedizin in Kooperation mit Culinary Medicine Deutschland e.V. ein neues Wahlfach für den vorklinischen Abschnitt des Medizinstudiums entwickelt, das sich seit April 2024 im Piloteinsatz befindet.

### Background Research for the Article

The press release pertains to a significant development in the field of nutrition and medical education, particularly in Germany. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung e.V. (DGE), which translates to the German Society for Nutrition, has taken a crucial step by updating its dietary guidelines for healthy adults. These updates reflect contemporary understanding of nutrition and its ties to sustainability—an increasingly important consideration in today’s world.

In March 2024, DGE introduced new Food-Based Dietary Guidelines (FBDGs) that utilize an evidence-based algorithm designed not only to improve individual health but also consider environmental impacts associated with food choices. As people become more aware of issues like climate change and resource sustainability, incorporating these concerns into dietary recommendations is vital.

The creative approach has been translated into educational initiatives as well. The Institute for Nutritional Psychology at Georg-August-University Göttingen is collaborating with Culinary Medicine Deutschland e.V., launching a new elective course titled “Culinary Medicine.” This course aims at educating medical students about the principles of healthy eating based on the latest guidelines while helping them learn how to apply this knowledge practically – an essential skill set as healthcare professionals who will eventually advise patients on nutritional matters.

This initiative highlights two key trends: 1) an increased focus on integrative medicine approaches that encompass lifestyle elements like diet; and 2) fostering awareness among future doctors regarding public health impacts sustained by nutrition choices.

### FAQ for the Article

**1. What are Food-Based Dietary Guidelines (FBDGs)?**
Food-Based Dietary Guidelines are structured recommendations that provide guidance on making healthier food choices aligned with nutritional science research. They aim to help individuals understand how their diets can affect their health positively.

**2. Who developed these new FBDGs?**
These new guidelines were developed by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung e.V., or DGE, which is recognized as an authoritative body focused on nutritional sciences within Germany.

**3. When were these updated dietary guidelines introduced?**
The updated FBDGs were published in March 2024.

**4. How are these new recommendations different from previous ones?**
Unlike prior iterations, this set of recommendations relies upon an evidence-based algorithm considering both health outcomes and sustainability aspects related to food consumption – something not emphasized before.

**5. Why is sustainability being included in dietary recommendations now?**
As global awareness grows about climate change’s impact on our environment and how agriculture contributes significantly through practices such as deforestation or greenhouse gas emissions—the integration reflects changing public consciousness regarding personal wellness’ area extending beyond individual health toward collective responsibility.

**6. What does „culinary medicine“ mean?**
Culinary medicine combines culinary arts with nutritional science focusing on practical skills so healthcare providers can better teach patients sound eating habits supported by scientific reasoning rather than abstract advice alone.

**7. Where will this culinary medicine elective be offered?**
The elective course titled „Culinary Medicine“ operates under Georg-August-Universität Göttingen/Universitätsmedizin alongside Culinary Medicine Deutschland e.V.—it commenced piloting phase starting April 2024 targeting students within preclinical phases emphasizing comprehensive training rooted firmly within both theoretical frames along hands-on application scenarios involving cooking techniques preparation methods & ingredient selection fundamentals aligning specified diets effectively crafted.

**8.Do I have access or know anyone completing such courses once they’re fully launched later year onwards if it exists outside medical faculties?
Clinical students primarily enrolled may have access depending whether specific schools provide enrollment options—but further expansion allowing general public participation could come into discussion later contingent upon local interest scalability factors might apply alongside resilience factors concerning instructional demands routinely rotated throughout candidates involved any given academic frame operating frequently judging entering years delicate balancing act maintaining academic rigor while accommodating professional expectations anticipated post-graduation towards practitioner role installations promoting expertise surrounding habits encouraging positive lifestyle changes amongst evident populations amidst integrated systems reflecting responsible stewardship ultimately leading successful outcomes witnessed already during pilot duration taking effect quite early over programming designed throughout segments discussing combined curricula electives serve rich applicability reaches past niche interactions ensuring broad relevance projected next generation leaders inspiring growth context accountability prescribed downscales supporting ecological longevity maximizing economic viability accessible diversified protocols referenced regularly consulted communities experienced alike?

By addressing questions regarding food regulation dynamics reflected current societal interests rather predominantly possessiveness likely emergency contexts motivating shifts diets make informed decisions!


Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung e.V. (DGE) hat im März 2024 neue lebensmittelbezogene Ernährungsempfehlungen (sog. Food Based Dietary Guidelines, FBDGs) für gesunde Erwachsene veröffentlicht. Die Empfehlungen basieren erstmals auf einem evidenzbasierten Algorithmus, der neben Gesundheitsaspekten auch Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte berücksichtigt. Auf Basis dieser Empfehlungen hat das Institut für Ernährungspsychologie an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen/Universitätsmedizin in Kooperation mit Culinary Medicine Deutschland e.V. ein neues Wahlfach für den vorklinischen Abschnitt des Medizinstudiums entwickelt, das sich seit April 2024 im Piloteinsatz befindet.

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