New analgesic could replace opioids over the long term

Researchers at Mainz University have identified a natural active substance that may prove to be an effective alternative to opioids in the long run and could also help mitigate the opioid crisis

Background Research

1. What are Opioids?
Opioids are a class of drugs that include both illegal drugs like heroin and prescription medications such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine and morphine. These drugs have a chemical structure that mimics the natural endorphins of your body and can relieve pain.

2. What is the role of Mainz University in this research?
Mainz University is renowned for its research studies especially in the medical field. In this context, its researchers have identified a natural active compound which may serve as an effective alternative to opioids over time.

3. What is an analgesic?
Analgesics are pain relievers or substances which reduce or eliminate pain.

4. How does opioid crisis occur?
The opioid crisis refers to the rapid increase in use and misuse of prescription and non-prescription opioid drugs over past years across globally which lead to serious public health issues like addiction, overdose cases and death.

5. What will be potential alternatives to opioids?
Non-opioid treatments could include special types of antidepressants or medications often used for seizures; physical therapy; cognitive behavioral therapy; meditation techniques; minor surgical procedures if necessary etc.


1) Why do we need an alternative to opioids?

While opioids can be effective in treating severe short-term (acute) pain, their side effects including dependency prove damaging in long term usage causing a worldwide ‚opioid crisis‘. The need for safer alternatives with fewer side effects led Mainz University researchers towards finding one such potential solution.

2) Is this new analgesic safe compared to previously available ones?

Current details infer that it’s sourced naturally making it potentially more safe than synthetic compounds but detailed studies about its exact safety profile over long duration usage needs further research

3) Will this new drug help end the opioid crisis?

Although mitigating global issue involves many factors including proper education about drug use & early interventions, development of safer alternatives such as this new analgesic indeed has potential to contribute to the solutions positively.

4) How soon can this new medicine be available in the market?

Before being marketed, drugs must undergo robust clinical trials for safety and effectiveness. Post successful trials it then requires regulatory approvals that varies across different countries. As such, it can take some years before this new analgesic might be made accessible.

5) Will this help people suffering from chronic pain conditions?

Should ongoing investigations into the drug show that it’s a potent and safe pain-reliever over time, then yes it might provide benefit to chronic pain sufferers who otherwise are compelled to rely on opioids currently.


Researchers at Mainz University have identified a natural active substance that may prove to be an effective alternative to opioids in the long run and could also help mitigate the opioid crisis

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