New Research Results – Safety of Short-Term Cultivated CAR T Cells in Cancer Immunotherapy

Short-term cultivated, individualised immune cells (CAR T cells) are currently being developed as a therapeutic option for patients with blood cancer. A research team from the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut has shown with mouse and cell models that these cells carry a higher risk for cytokine release syndrome than conventional CAR T cells. The cytokine release is caused by residual components of vector particles on the CAR T cells and is independent of tumour cells. Careful consideration of the safety of this innovative treatment is required to minimise risks to patients. EMBO Molecular Medicine reports on the results in its issue dated 21 March 2024.

Neueste Forschungsergebnisse des Paul-Ehrlich-Instituts zeigen, dass kurzzeitig kultivierte, individualisierte Immunzellen (CAR-T-Zellen), die derzeit als therapeutische Option für Patienten mit Blutkrebs entwickelt werden, ein höheres Risiko für das Zytokin-Freisetzungssyndrom aufweisen. Dies ist unabhängig von Tumorzellen und wird durch Restbestandteile von Vektorpartikeln auf den CAR-T-Zellen verursacht. Es ist eine sorgfältige Abwägung der Sicherheit dieser innovativen Behandlung notwendig, um die Risiken für die Patienten zu minimieren.


Short-term cultivated, individualised immune cells (CAR T cells) are currently being developed as a therapeutic option for patients with blood cancer. A research team from the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut has shown with mouse and cell models that these cells carry a higher risk for cytokine release syndrome than conventional CAR T cells. The cytokine release is caused by residual components of vector particles on the CAR T cells and is independent of tumour cells. Careful consideration of the safety of this innovative treatment is required to minimise risks to patients. EMBO Molecular Medicine reports on the results in its issue dated 21 March 2024.

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