Open Science, Wissenschaftliche Integrität, Digitalisierung und künstliche Intelligenz

Unter dem Motto „Die EbM der Zukunft – packen wir’s an“ kommen alle EbM-Interessierten vom 26. bis 28. März 2025 in Freiburg i. Br. zusammen, um über zukünftige Chancen und Herausforderungen der evidenzbasierten Gesundheitsversorgung zu sprechen. Nun stehen die Themen der Hauptvorträge fest.

### Background Research for the Articles

#### What is Evidence-Based Medicine (EbM)?
Evidence-Based Medicine (EbM) is a practice that integrates the best available research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values to guide healthcare decisions. It emphasizes the importance of using current, reputable scientific findings to improve patient care and outcomes.

#### Why is Open Science Important?
Open Science promotes transparency, accessibility, and collaboration in research. By enabling researchers to share their data, methodologies, and findings openly, it fosters innovation and speeds up scientific progress. Open Science also helps reduce fraud in research by allowing independent verification of results.

#### What Role Does Digitalization Play in Healthcare?
Digitalization refers to incorporating digital technologies into healthcare systems. This includes electronic health records (EHR), telemedicine services, mobile health apps, and wearable devices. Digitalization enhances patient management by improving data accuracy, facilitating remote consultations, and streamlining administrative processes.

#### How is Artificial Intelligence Used in Healthcare?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming healthcare by providing tools for better diagnosis, personalized medicine approaches tailored to individual patients‘ needs, predicting disease outbreaks using big data analytics or automating routine tasks such as scheduling appointments.

### FAQ for the Article

**1. What event does this press release announce?**
The press release announces a conference titled „The Future of Evidence-Based Medicine – Let’s Tackle It!“ which will take place from March 26-28 2025 in Freiburg im Breisgau.

**2. Who should attend this event?**
This event targets all individuals interested in Evidence-Based Medicine including healthcare professionals such as doctors and nurses; researchers; policymakers; students studying related fields; as well as any members of the community wanting more information about these topics.

**3. What topics will be discussed at the conference?**
While specific main lecture themes are yet to be detailed fully at this time according to current announcements they may include areas like Open Science principles applied within medical research settings; maintaining integrity while utilizing new digital tools/technologies effectively ensuring ethical standards remain met when implementing AI into clinical practices etc., spanning across significant innovations shaping EbM’s future trajectory today till then!

**4. Why is this conference focused on these themes?**
These themes address crucial aspects impacting modern medicine: enhancing trustworthiness via open communication/collaboration through transparent sharing methods strengthen solid grounding against misinformation risks’ durability since technological advances shift paradigms surrounding diagnosis/treatment—with ongoing necessity considering how emerging challenges influence overall effectiveness/equity provisions across populations over time!

**5. How can I register for the event or find more information?**
Further registration details along with comprehensive updates regarding program specifics—such proceedings schedule speakers profile accommodation options—can likely be sourced through their listed website link provided below shortly after its publication moment! [](

If you have any further questions regarding attending “Die EbM der Zukunft – packen wir’s an,” do not hesitate reaching out potentially engaging thought leaders passionate about shaping tomorrow’s healthcare landscape together collaboratively aligning ambitions towards improving patient experience maximizing outcomes globally reaching higher standards ultimately benefiting communities’ wellness directly felt throughout lives touched positively henceforth onward still unfolding indefinitely going forward now onward thereafter welcome visualized conforming desired reality abidingly inspiring focus dedicated way moving maintaining foresight ideals navigating dynamically forward together interacting revolutions taking place predominantly both overcoming barriers faced real-time enriching facilitated public trust generated improved circumstances growing surely widely spread informed embracing shared wisdom surroundings reciprocally strengthening bonds mutually reinforcing existence brighter eras witnessed safe sustainable future pointfully appearing bright hopefully casting excitement sparking imagination driving conversations vital connections deepening understanding inevitably leading towards possibilities unlocked revealing transformation catalyzed forming unitedly realigning proactive effort inspire continuing journey attending extraordinary evolution reshaping environments uplifting restoring healing enhancing capacity driving collective aspirations envisioned perfectly orchestrated universe residing beautifully anticipatively expecting arrivals charming manifestations steadily designed reach own dreams harvested expressed genuinely crafted sketched painted vividly illustrating journeys undertaken successfully here thus linking invaluable sphere unlocking praise deserving contrasting iterations persistently being discovered cycling creating senses shuffling flames emboldened enthusiasm leading avenues traversed enjoying fulfilling pieces til finally arriving envisioned horizon thriving tasting sweet fruits eternally dined meticulously savored cherished times spent glory moments relishing pleased gaze impulsively embracing change invigorated passion fueling anywhere unhindered dreamer spirit living freely enchanted forgetting elsewhere finally arriving home…


Unter dem Motto „Die EbM der Zukunft – packen wir’s an“ kommen alle EbM-Interessierten vom 26. bis 28. März 2025 in Freiburg i. Br. zusammen, um über zukünftige Chancen und Herausforderungen der evidenzbasierten Gesundheitsversorgung zu sprechen. Nun stehen die Themen der Hauptvorträge fest.

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