Organisationshaftung, qualitätsgesicherte Gutachten & Härtefallfonds: Sepsis-Stiftung fordert mehr Patientenrechte!

Das Ziel des Koalitionsvertrags, die Patientenrechte substantiell zu verbessern, wurde von der scheidenden Regierung nicht erreicht. Die Sepsis Stiftung appelliert an die Parteien, für die kommende Regierungsbildung die Novelle des Patientenrechtegesetzes erneut auf die Agenda zu setzen und hat hierzu ein Forderungspapier erstellt. Neben Beweiserleichterungen fokussiert das Papier auf drei wesentliche Ansatzpunkte: die Einführung der Organisationshaftung, ein Härtefallfonds als Qualitätsinstrument und soziale Sicherung sowie zentrale Verbesserungen beim Gutachterwesen als Voraussetzung für die Schließung der bestehenden Gerechtigkeitslücke.

**Background Research for the Article:**

The press release issued by the Sepsis Foundation emphasizes ongoing concerns regarding patient rights in Germany. The goal set forth in the coalition agreement of the outgoing government aimed to improve these rights substantially; however, many advocates believe that these objectives were not met during this legislative period.

One central issue raised is „Organisationshaftung,“ or organizational liability, which refers to a system where healthcare organizations can be held responsible for mistakes made within their services. Advocates argue that this could incentivize higher standards of care and accountability.

Another critical point mentioned is the establishment of a „Härtefallfonds,“ or hardship fund, which would act as a safety net for patients experiencing severe distress due to errors within healthcare settings. This fund would support those in vulnerable positions and offer financial relief while simultaneously serving as a quality instrument aimed at improving overall care.

Additionally, improvements to the expert witness process are crucial for addressing existing justice gaps related to medical malpractice cases. Current rules often benefit overly-complex legal proceedings and can make it difficult for patients seeking redress against healthcare providers or institutions.

Overall, there is a strong call from advocates like those at the Sepsis Foundation urging political parties to prioritize updating patient rights legislation in forthcoming discussions around forming new government coalitions.

**Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):**

1. **What is the main focus of this press release?**
– The press release from the Sepsis Foundation highlights concerns about unmet goals regarding patient rights improvements set out in Germany’s coalition agreement by calling on new government formations to prioritize an amendment of existing patient rights legislation.

2. **What does “Organisationshaftung” mean?**
– „Organisationshaftung“ translates to organizational liability and means holding healthcare institutions accountable for their services including treatment outcomes, aiming at ensuring higher standards and encouraging better care practices.

3. **What is a “Härtefallfonds”?**
– A „Härtefallfonds,“ or hardship fund, serves as financial assistance aimed at individuals who have suffered significant harm due to issues within healthcare provision—it’s intended both as support for affected patients and an incentive towards improving service quality across providers.

4. **Why do we need improvements in expert testimonies?**
– The current state often presents hurdles caused by complex legal processes that hinder access to justice especially concerning medical malpractice claims—improvements could streamline claim assessments making it easier for patients seeking necessary support after suffering due negligence.

5. **How does this relate specifically to sepsis cases?**
– Since sepsis has high mortality rates tied largely with timely diagnosis/treatment—the burden falls heavily upon systems ensuring adequate response mechanisms exist when such urgent conditions arise; hence broader advocacy promotes better systemic checks may also improve outcomes specifically amongst infections like sepsis.

6. **Who are creating these demands/goals outlined here?**
– These demands & policy proposals stem primarily from advocacy groups such as those found via Sepsis Stiftung (Septicemia Foundation), among other stakeholder parties who believe updated laws emphasizing stronger patient protections are long overdue—especially with mounting evidence highlighting vulnerabilities exist therein under current structures!

7. **Will any changes be implemented soon following this pressure?**
While lobbying efforts call attention toward amending/revisiting existing policies remain active post-regime change developments typically require deliberation before concrete adjustments arise through new parliamentary sessions/publishing periodicals determining future actions moving forward; collaborative engagement amongst stakeholders remains key!


Das Ziel des Koalitionsvertrags, die Patientenrechte substantiell zu verbessern, wurde von der scheidenden Regierung nicht erreicht. Die Sepsis Stiftung appelliert an die Parteien, für die kommende Regierungsbildung die Novelle des Patientenrechtegesetzes erneut auf die Agenda zu setzen und hat hierzu ein Forderungspapier erstellt. Neben Beweiserleichterungen fokussiert das Papier auf drei wesentliche Ansatzpunkte: die Einführung der Organisationshaftung, ein Härtefallfonds als Qualitätsinstrument und soziale Sicherung sowie zentrale Verbesserungen beim Gutachterwesen als Voraussetzung für die Schließung der bestehenden Gerechtigkeitslücke.

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