Poverty makes people ill: Social inequality and health is the motto of the Local Health Authority Day 2024

The local health authority is a central pillar for protecting the health of the population. Peo-ple in socially disadvantaged circumstances are an important target group for the public health service. Social inequality and health is the motto for this year’s Local Health Authority Day on 19 March. „Education, occupation and income also influence health opportunities and life expectancy in Germany,“ emphasises Prof. Dr Lars Schaade, President of the Robert Koch Institute. The social inequality of health opportunities and disease risks is also a focus of epidemiological research and health reporting at the Robert Koch Institute.

„Local Health Authority Day on March 19 focuses on the relationship between poverty, social inequality and health. Prof. Dr. Lars Schaade from Robert Koch Institute emphasizes the importance of socio-economic factors like education, occupation & income on health & life expectancy in Germany.“


The local health authority is a central pillar for protecting the health of the population. Peo-ple in socially disadvantaged circumstances are an important target group for the public health service. Social inequality and health is the motto for this year’s Local Health Authority Day on 19 March. „Education, occupation and income also influence health opportunities and life expectancy in Germany,“ emphasises Prof. Dr Lars Schaade, President of the Robert Koch Institute. The social inequality of health opportunities and disease risks is also a focus of epidemiological research and health reporting at the Robert Koch Institute.

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