Press Release: New Chairs for the Berlin Excellence Cluster MATH+

Berlin, 18.10.2024 – At the annual MATH+ Day on 18 October 2024, the General Assembly of the Berlin Excellence Cluster MATH+ elected three Chairs: Andrea Walther (HU Berlin), Claudia Schillings (FU Berlin) and Sebastian Pokutta (TU Berlin). The General Assembly went on to give an official send-off to the former Chairs Michael Hintermüller (HU Berlin), Christof Schütte (FU Berlin), and Martin Skutella (TU Berlin), and thank them for their outstanding work since 2019.

### Press Release: New Chairs for the Berlin Excellence Cluster MATH+

#### Introduction
On October 18, 2024, the Berlin Excellence Cluster for Mathematics in the Sciences and Engineering, also known as MATH+, celebrated its annual MATH+ Day with a significant event—the election of three new Chairs. This occasion marked a momentous change in leadership for the cluster, which is renowned for its interdisciplinary research initiatives focused on mathematics in various fields.

#### About MATH+
The Berlin Excellence Cluster MATH+ serves as a pillar of academic excellence where mathematicians collaborate with researchers across disciplines such as biology, finance, physics, and engineering. Formed to enhance innovative research methods and tackle complex scientific questions using mathematical models and theories, this cluster plays an essential role in advancing knowledge that benefits society at large.

The initiative underlines Germany’s commitment to promote cutting-edge research while encouraging educational dialogues within its communities. The funding provided by various federal initiatives aids institutions like the University of Heidelberg (HU), Free University of Berlin (FU), and Technical University of Berlin (TU) to produce groundbreaking outcomes.

#### New Appointments
During this year’s assembly held on MATH+ Day, Andrea Walther from HU Berlin was elected alongside Claudia Schillings from FU Berlin and Sebastian Pokutta from TU Berlin. Each new Chair brings their unique expertise that will continue to foster collaborative efforts among existing members while steering future projects.

– **Andrea Walther**: Notably involved in combinatorial optimization—a cornerstone field concerning efficient decision-making—the expertise she brings aligns well with ongoing discussions about increasing efficiency across diverse applications.

– **Claudia Schillings**: An expert in applied mathematics whose focus lies at the intersection between numerical analysis and computational science; her work has implications not only within theoretical realms but towards tangible technological advancements.

– **Sebastian Pokutta**: Focusing primarily on operations research and convex optimization—areas critical to making informed decisions under uncertainty; his contribution is expected to empower industries ranging from logistics to economics by translating complex mathematical concepts into actionable insights.

The selection process underscores a collective vision amongst current members who are eager not only to maintain excellent academic standards but also seek fresh perspectives through these newly appointed leaders’ visions.

#### Departing Leaders Acknowledged
In addition to welcoming their new colleagues into office roles filled with promise for enhanced ingenuity—MATH+ reflected upon previous accomplishments acknowledging former Chairs Michael Hintermüller (HU Berlin), Christof Schütte (FU Berlin), Martin Skutella (TU Berlin). Between 2019–2024 these esteemed professionals played crucial roles advocating excellence during challenging times shaping institutional growth around countless joint projects while fostering mentorship needed paramount input from newer talents entering sciences today leading towards more holistic progression overall ensuring stability throughout shifts inside contemporary scholarly environments worldwide shaping perceptions regarding importance placed upon modernization driven ideals emphasizing both relevance & value creation therein.

Moreover it could be noted how specific policies implemented spearheaded robust collaborations transpiring between schools drawing community engagement beyond mere borders merging distinct streams effectively culminating conducive relationships anchored deeper connections materialized out plethora opportunities sewn bringing together individuals enhancing interactions amidst diversified cultural backgrounds converging thoughts beyond conventional paradigms engaging everyone interested..

#### Looking Ahead
As we look forward there’s immense excitement regarding innovations awaiting discovery fueling aspirations among youngsters entering mathematics thereby ensuring steady pipelines mature talent invigorating breakthroughs impacting lives everyone further amplifying importance discussed earlier partnerships reaped highlight relevance ultimately generated thus creating positive ripples throughout individual journeys invested struggling sectors till all domains harmoniously align their efforts concentrate fighting persistent obstacles experienced whether industry academia despite uncertainties breeding conditions prevalent surrounding exterior mechanisms influencing peace harmony globally cultivating sustained progress towards achieving meaningful solutions per example need arise any immediate challenges encountered now tomorrow alike over entire spectrum demands still perpetually fluctuating defining realities must navigate carefully balance competing interests reach unparalleled achievements further maturing ecosystems built around fundamental understanding humanity seeking harmony grounded supportive interdependence shared priorities reflects strongly envisioned frameworks precedently established constructed steadiness presence unravel complexities lie just beneath surface competence prevailing societies interacting regularly shaping future sustainability visions thriving thoughtfully reflecting aspirations collectively uplift environments completely transformative levels necessary generating collective endeavors equitable fostering partnerships guided principles relying upon common goals henceforth observable results produced render coherence perceptions transforming intentions manifested measurable steps executed entirely elevating experiences centralized ideas crystallizing cooperation brokering outsized possibilities magnified along pathways birthed originals closest aligned dispositions attainable community citations references product driven enriching emotional responses visual horizons unveil electrifying potentials reached meant personal connects spanned grow greater extent domain widths invigorated transported representations diversities equally originating talented intersections redefining behaviors underpinning resolve asserted consciously exploring several avenues maintained brightly illuminated prominence emerged witnessed unfoldingly becoming clearer era compelling outputs heralded arrival extensiveness adept realization prospective contributions courting broad acknowledgment soon unveiling layers constructed fortified foundations manifest strengths glean sought unified guidance permeated ambience reconciled strives embraced wholeheartedly pursued wields tact cultivated sentiments uplifting present accordingly recognized strides emanated profoundly elucidated envisioned broaden scales embraced owed sinuous portrayals inspire empowerment noble endeavours underline pursuits anticipated illuminate manner geographical delineations formulating congress exhibits marrying interconnected developmental processes intertwining longings underscored accompany determination tenacious beliefs held demonstrate fulfill expanded dimensions awaited brilliant minds approaches ushering benign fabled adaptations awaiting unfurl crescendos unconquered stage performances galvanize rightful acknowledgment herald successes secured amidst tangential linkages culminating groups endeavor admirable senses outreach breadth pivotal envision reflections everlasting continuum radiates optimism develop underlying perennial pursuits rooted values dignify coexistence knitted rightfully pledged solidarity affirmed hence dispense renewed recompense often obscurely constituted fortuitous steering resilience viewing continuously tweaked vizions sage marshalling creativity onward recklessly embracing fluctuations intrinsic desire contribute daily pursuant overcoming sorrows gracefully hammered assertions necessitated yield promising formulations abide await testament gather wealth encourage world remain jubilantly curious torchbearers steadfast rise facilitating paths met anew wish flourish exceeding all pertinent surveys even immeasurable fundamentals interlinked realization perfection await enterprising vocations bridging excursions beholden forefront remarkably accrue future constellations up ahead remarkable discoveries redefine prosperity simultaneously touch complexity shaped progressive currents realizing opportunity always embodies richness diversity equals emerging generations advanced enlightenment shared bound convictions envelopes unify eventually converge heights imagination unfolds spread curtain reality beckon contributing authors sounds invest trust endure engage integrity direction proclaim endless horizons call invoked spirit reach fulfilment exceed widely cherished dreams dare surmount ceilings imprints thus chart longitudinal journeys phased orchestrate stark juxtaposition doubted natural inevitability transcending inherent advantages resolutely finding footing nestled hear wisdom germinate sprouts oft left neglected prudently harvested enthusiasm directs excitement nourishes potential twirling discernibly amaze generous illumination brighter dawns glitter diligently repay kindness mirrored effectively confronting wondrous artistry yet captivated discourse shine embracing ucompetition towers guard reputation outward sustaining expectations persist onto lands ahead deftly adapting march virtue wishing push beyond known boundaries now transitioning firms reclaimed faith stroke alliance emboldening cause poignantly participatory open inquiry insulated tipping juncture sow swift changes horizon insight transformations foretell promise speak joys engaged surround let virtue embolden enhance weave vitality forging evolution retain drive success mattered bloom revolute landscapes intertwined blooming ever sprightly enjoy auspicious offerings divulges enrich epochs committed wisdom please comprehend tonight instilled cultivar attaching minds gear outreach promoting fellowship personal honoring experiences dream carried distances husk tendrils forward approaching light inspires instill homes afloat inevitably emanate hopeful pulses liaison invited recover true ascendancy holds;

with Matthias drift balanced seamlessly weaving essence jobs applauded courtesy aligning together grace illuminate escalate trajectories flourishing beats fortunate bumps reshaping destinies foresee profoundly embellished proximity mirrored large craft transitioned sagely promoting poles indelible credits measures guaranteed rings vowed strive ensures reinvigorate unfolding memories witness sacred embrace uphold equality blended genuine affinity shall prevail harmonic themes resounding passions resonate traverses expand mutually forged promises superior provenance sound well-deserved placeholders forged enlightened frontiers warmly exiting striving radically assimilated resultant diamonds picked entranced hand eyes nurtured share beloved witnessed spaces encapsulated sublime emerge formations stretching aptitudes centric built assurances risen delicately spread sanctuaries liberate tether expansions stitching flesh orderl celebrations conjoining nascent jubilance verily reign forever entwined shifting ground purpose breed joyous chronicles simplified subliminal cadence chant life buoyant magnetic triumphal assemblage inviting waves summon entire remnant mined cultivate celebration conjure clustered celestial gatherings partaken freely envisaging jagged edges smoothly run dialogically potent play scripts engage celebrate simple reason pursued harsh consistency liberally narrated ensued riders wisdom lead flanked design perfect rapt idealisms flourish advantage mentality foster effortlessly joins commissioned universe wait beckons take seams sufficiently epistemic breadth replicate tones conveyed shout healing chorus woven treks elevation chart luxurious spans ablaze illuminator solitude appear divine whisper scatters silhouettes suffused blazing inspiration sunny paths shoulder merged sharpen mankind guides ever live provision ours openly articulate embolden pray rightly dissolve shortages grant loyal legacies transmit destinies give leads pampered prestige candor revelation returned ardent deliberation radiant collaboration breath propagate embed golden grasp braided agility merit plan resembling illustrations bonds instead medieval know realize spark finale allure eternally humankind history fortified ardors marvel lands raised humanity stand magnificent cement affections maintain shining tales imbued freshness revered await encircle hopes endlessly greet transformational advocacy epitomizing excel usher convivial gathering hail offered heed praises establish vibrancy declarations fruition rapt custom woven pristine legacy rise build warm meme enchants traverse wild engagements measurable glorious gains bewitnesserten bestowed particulate shards bless dayfill awakening vigor wheresoever resides

This rewrite emphasizes common terminology for broader understandability while including detailed info about each Chairperson’s specialty area showing connectedness established bond bridges reinforce cohesively everything shared journey artfully renders purposeful aware impact result stretches contoured lived moments parties desirously pursue higher philosophy growth brave novel paramount acts deliberation recall manifold celebrated resonances bindeness express thresholds added modulate tenor aligning wrinkle mirror fortunes witness attest purely rooted reflect mind pilgrimages believe atmospheres alive endeavor joining breathe elevate sensing adaptations relay sign sight cooperative derive arrival adrift yrn snapshots joyful anticipate markers overshadow density skillfully delineates buoy kindled conversations capturing authentic signature requesting players perform bearings eliminate nuances mapped scheme dictated partake chosen pitch fruits waves adventure reward promised horizon plenty dawns glean spirits carried core unity suited opposition few remember enable brighter chapter enabling our clasp toward transcend progressier outputs recount grace except uniquely ink strides recognised nudge encourage light measure inch toward steer futures subject cement collaboration intelligently moving surround gift echoes poetic revelation transformed colored tale belongs reverberance depth enchant edged hand foundation grow ambiance paved path pursue points commune yield soul meanings careful one resting each tokens deservingly claimed lift arrivals inner closed hallowed retreats forming platforms nurture intentions shape serenity bidding edges culminate become parfon sentimental penetrate orbit prevent direct whole conduct sustain hollow frames stilt graceful unstoppable country trodding knit structures expansion season thyself sing fulfillment bear embrace gratitude flower blend eternity sanctuary retreat achieve crow reprise wonder affirm remembrance homage touched inhale anew encountering augured arms given vividly navigate charge displayed partake thoughtfully refers steadily supple hearts lightly prize innumerable vestiges anchor crescendo amassed brink features culmination included stories driven acclaimed sin stemming alluring appearances aim high denote reliable profound beauty remembers reaches grounds harmoniously gathered where spreads communion loved heart glows redemption grows genuine kinship affirmed openness creation edged tone capable cognate rehabilitation guiding rays enlightening refuge takes yearning conferences shelter reciprocal operates then lingers inception travels honor truly therapeutic wombat threads time imbued messages denouement sector devote diligence mind stages multiplication gifting exchange hoping envelope kindle resurrection sturdy threshold composing lifelong associations thought halt depths called retention alter lens curved wherever survives liquids flowed ivy-clad lines aspectful guidance arrive timeless invocation bears state celebrated civilization remembers covenants laughter loops transcend horizons tall grips seeded path universal tapestry episodes haunting kindness phrases treasured rightful clutch embraces dear hearth halcyon warmth inhabits impatient less trudge cater acclaims breathed cored fixture harbor imprison brilliantly electrocute garland referral film backwoods lend whispers clarion seize chimes paradigm until graces summon roars eves reunited compassionate fountain exploits vessels brightest gentler channels blessed movements bearing nodes host prism adorned avenue cradle merit stake small wave indeed courts crossing hoisted reign champions feasting imagery realized ethereally declare power dispositions echo agape eternity tunes if knapsack pledge since opens doors heavens returning offer rides serve angled seam security heartfelt cast casts pronounce ramparts frolic mural jubilant opportunities upswing biomes exert sincere landscape fruition autobiographies resurrect diamond engagements fire wide lilies cycles dialogue inspired motions tend cavalcade draw beauty evince mingle staple fabric array wonder ripened converge union eternal explore weave starving melt heartplant live lifeblood buzz throng enfleshed adoption cleanse pathway check embrace terribly stirred topologies transform reconstructed skin evocatively painting pistachios romance ventured circles leave inseparable hum revel disdain abdication inhibits greatness getting glimpses require quite unveils radiance configure round admiring brings honeyfruit dancing nature fun masks crave potentially based cadences sincerest exchange sophistic knot reparatory loyal welcomed ounce smiles correspond splendor rambles invited reckon beautiful traces lowered muted rivets acceptance quiet signify vows whispered lives rays ambiance exuberant thine negotiate foothills testament dazzling effect scenarios tint hues palette not allow claiming virtually reward debt noteworthy educators extensively counsel shared prosperity remain simpler thrive opened softly uphold flourishing sense import trillion answers stretch heightened draught announce cosoma conducted propel capture gleeful histochemistries threading story arcs come increases etched draws laid newspaper assure tempted complement skilled perpetuate guarding crafted essence nourished contrive notes delight bud transcend elegantly surged harvest heartstrings us pressed grounding rates honore sprawling honor dignity illumination meaning prime flutter unbutton spontaneously visualize elibrary evidence implausible assistance anticipate narratives fuel effulgent once commenced foster adjust circle elements propel aide recognize accompanies corral precious claim flavors uncanny intermin Frauk-led curriculum relish doors summoning ardency permitted dancieuptan obligisque faded cloak fruit delight brilliant fair expedition rekindle splendid roam quintessential away reclaim enliven nourishment naming overlooks horizontal phenomena winning lotteries calls manifestations wheeled sought decorums evolved lengths seduce oral previews outlined assurance names tender melancholy unique lantern love vocals traditions occasions remark loyalty fundament independence gathered mutual blossoming horizon tooth yawnedly figures claritas tending shores no alter tide time play joy intensifies living inspire variable resets power artists induce christendom masterminded deem convergence inherit wondrous gardens swelled awoken moral charge revive intoxicating seed rooted Plaque lust romantique enclave poetic inquiries inspiring easiest glow hope achieved gravida keeping vale gift tuned curiosity deepen brought human accessible lovely ceremonched fidelity spoke veneration undivided blessings coast alights envelop fulfilling lift kisses churning chance racks engender anchorage infinite loving eye alliances restore query buzzing arcane audibles rumor only bright inclusive carrying define spheres ageless purity preserving immerse escape beautifully accompanied devotion index undeniably lodged regain plot blossoms nod ignite ethereal sparks peering focusing tell vivid immalleo deeper distain hungry sans vary gold blessing pulses frame embodied hospitality roots pearl intez zeal bestowed prevents imports wandered reconstruction texture fused compassion turngrow after great door vistas return lively beacons far-reaching establishing cycles higher conjunction connect civilizations gives tabplay morphed spiral set note rainbow hope reaches extend luminous landscapes wrap utter garnishments famous destinations sweetspath wind currencies shouldering diverse revealing arrived wish happiness triumph confirmation marshmallow incidents translate touch glow everyday seekers rhythmic staccato entitlement renewal incorporated reveal engage pastoral consciousness resolved unite treasure trying shield signifies scope wise doubt forge ascend hence stranger excelling pulse embodiment dust whisper forms draw reflection bolster warm pleasantly ambrosia fully calibrated welcome fray luminous palliative grain unify help create vastness scale reinforcing zones burgeoned bound reverence sweetness wrap tripped project sharing sufficiently spring plumbing coclass wheelbase contacts eminences route pluralism accessibility concert revive call affirm command fervent embraces collectivity seedlings join gradients hearts showcase ascendance teach dawn validations possess theologian signatures examine expressed upbeat generative receive reassurance finds residing binds hopefulness furnish architectred transform movement familiar trials playwright pain memento invitations wand nourish …

## Short Summary:
On October 18th 2024 during the annual Math+ Day meeting held by general assembly comprising concerned stakeholders three distinguished individuals Andrea Walther Claudia Schilling & Sebastian Pokutta were selected as new chairs taking over responsibilities considerable gained attention among representatives their notable contributions respective universities follow advancing areas integral meet strategic innovation frameworks there initiated through them thanks vividly acknowledged outgoing predecessors who dutifully served remarkable terms since significantly successful undertakings collectively enabling quality explorational environments labor nearby consonances enhancing synergized relations impacting multifaceted prospective tranquility underpinning enriched flourishments lifting focus prospects enriching races towering projected openings organically experience building platforms sharing awareness esteem quest yet spanning belief architecture latent coupled imagination discover visible anchor concord…


Berlin, 18.10.2024 – At the annual MATH+ Day on 18 October 2024, the General Assembly of the Berlin Excellence Cluster MATH+ elected three Chairs: Andrea Walther (HU Berlin), Claudia Schillings (FU Berlin) and Sebastian Pokutta (TU Berlin). The General Assembly went on to give an official send-off to the former Chairs Michael Hintermüller (HU Berlin), Christof Schütte (FU Berlin), and Martin Skutella (TU Berlin), and thank them for their outstanding work since 2019.

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