We are pleased to announce the GlycoBioTec2025 Symposium, scheduled to take place from February 10-12, 2025, at the Harnack House in Berlin. Cutting-edge research on the frontiers of glycobiotechnology will be discussed on the interactive forum – spanning from fundamental theory to method and technology developments relevant to biopharma, health, medicine and functional food.

Background Research:

The GlycoBioTec Symposium is one of the leading events in glycobiotechnology, a field of science that focuses on carbohydrates (sugars) and their potential uses in medicine and food technology. These sugars not only play a vital role in human health and nutrition but are also seen as potential key elements in the development of new drugs and therapies, making this field highly relevant to both pharmaceutical industry and health-conscious consumers.

Held at Harnack House, one of Berlin’s renowned conference venues, the symposium is expected to draw attendees from academia, industry, hospitals, research institutes worldwide. GlycoBioTec has been hosting these significant biotech meetings regularly enabling researchers from different disciplines like molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics among others to share their insights on developments related to glycobiology.


1. What is the GlycoBioTec2025 Symposium?
GlycoBioTec2025 Symposium is an event where experts gathered to discuss advancements within the field of glycobiotechnology – studying carbohydrates for medical use or food functions.

2. When does this year’s symposium take place?
The GlycoBioTec2025 will be held from February 10-12th 2025.

3. Where will the symposium be hosted?
The event will take place at Harnack House which lies in Berlin.

4.. What topics would be covered during the symposium?
Discussions include everything from fundamental theory about glycobiology through methods development right up till technological developments related specifically towards biopharmaceuticals or health areas within practical implications like functional foods or medicines involved with human nutrition & overall well being.

5.Who can attend this sort of conference?
Researchers across disciplines; academia; industries dealing with pharmaceuticals products; medical professionals & possibly even those concerned about healthy eating could benefit by participating here given its broad relevance today owing largely towards increasingly clear connections should be drawn here between diet related disease prevention plus treatment thereto & so forth indeed looking closely into glycobiology’s potential therapeutic applications etc.

6. How can I get more details about the event?
Anyone interested can click on this link [] to find additional details about the event or register for it.


We are pleased to announce the GlycoBioTec2025 Symposium, scheduled to take place from February 10-12, 2025, at the Harnack House in Berlin.
Cutting-edge research on the frontiers of glycobiotechnology will be discussed on the interactive forum – spanning from fundamental theory to method and technology developments relevant to biopharma, health, medicine and functional food.

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