We are pleased to announce the GlycoBioTec2025 Symposium, scheduled to take place from February 10-12, 2025, at the Harnack House in Berlin. Cutting-edge research on the frontiers of glycobiotechnology will be discussed on the interactive forum – spanning from fundamental theory to method and technology developments relevant to biopharma, health, medicine and functional food.

Background Research:

Glycobiotechnology is an emerging field in science that applies methodologies and techniques of biochemistry, molecular biology, and biotechnology for studying carbohydrates or glycans (sugars) in biological systems. It plays a crucial role in pharmaceutical industry helping to develop new drugs and therapies.

Harnack House is a conference venue of the Max Planck Society located in Berlin. It has historically been a meeting point for scientists and researchers globally.

From historical records, previous GlycoBioTec symposiums have have seen the participation of various scientific scholars who discussed advancements such as glyco-engineering techniques, new tools for exploring cellular glycosylation pathways etc.


1. What is the GlycoBioTec2025 Symposium?
– The GlycoBioTec2025 Symposium is a conference event where cutting-edge research on glycobiotechnology will be discussed.

2. When and where will it take place?
– The symposium is scheduled from February 10-12, 2025 at the Harnack House in Berlin.

3. What topics will be covered?
– The forum focuses on everything from fundamental theory to methodological and technological developments relevant to multiple industries like biopharma, health care sector including medicine development as well as functional food products.

4. How can I register to attend this Symposium?
– Details regarding registrations can be found online at

5. Why should I attend this symposium?
– If you are working or interested in fields such as pharmaceuticals, healthcare or food industry that use advanced technology especially related with sugar molecules then this Symposium might present important findings relevant to your work/interest area.

6.What can we expect from past events?
– Looking at previous events insight into up-to-the-minute developments in glyco-engineering techniques, investigations into cellular glycosylation pathways can be expected.

7. What exactly is Glycobiotechnology?
– It’s a science field which studies carbohydrates or sugars in biological systems using methodologies of biochemistry, molecular biology, and biotechnology. This fundamental research has huge implications on pharmaceutical industry for developing new drugs and therapies.

8. Can I find more information about the event online?
– Yes! More information can be found at

9. Is this Symposium an annual event?
– The past records indicate the symposium happens annually drawing experts from around the globe who are working in glycobiology and its associated applications across various industries.

10. Who generally attends this Symposium?
– Generally, researchers alinging with biochemical, molecular biology fields along with professionals working in pharmaceuticals, health-care services or the food industry would get to benefit most from attending such a symposium due to its relevance with their work area focusing on carbogydrate molecule implications.


We are pleased to announce the GlycoBioTec2025 Symposium, scheduled to take place from February 10-12, 2025, at the Harnack House in Berlin.
Cutting-edge research on the frontiers of glycobiotechnology will be discussed on the interactive forum – spanning from fundamental theory to method and technology developments relevant to biopharma, health, medicine and functional food.

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