RSV – die unterschätzte Gefahr für Babys und kleine Kinder

Die Stiftung Kindergesundheit informiert über eine wenig bekannte Virusinfektion, die zu Husten, Atemnot und sogar zu einer Lungenentzündung führen kann.

Background Research:

RSV stands for „Respiratory Syncytial Virus.“ It’s a common virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms. Most people recover in a week or two, but RSV can be serious, especially for infants and older adults. In fact, RSV is the most common cause of bronchiolitis (inflammation of the small airways in the lung) and pneumonia (infection of the lungs) in children younger than 1 year of age in the United States.


Q: What is RSV?
A: RSV stands for Respiratory Syncytial Virus. It’s a common virus that leads to mild respiratory symptoms similar to common cold. However, it can lead to severe conditions like bronchiolitis and pneumonia in babies and small children.

Q: How can my child catch this infection?
A: The Respiratory Syncytial Virus spreads through droplets containing the virus when someone with it coughs or sneezes. It also spreads by touching surfaces contaminated with these droplets.

Q: What are the symptoms of an RSV infection?
A: The symptoms include runny nose, coughing, sneezing, fever and wheezing. In severe cases it could cause difficulty breathing which needs immediate medical intervention.

Q: How serious is an RSV infection?
A: While adults or teens may only experience mild cold-like symptoms from an RSV infection; babies and young kids might see their condition worsen leading up to severe diseases like bronchiolitis or pneumonia due to weak immunity.

Q: What should I do if I suspect my child has an RSV infection?
A; If your child shows any symptom associated with this condition such as constant coughing along with difficulty breathing you should consult your pediatrician immediately

Q:Is there any prevention methods for avoiding catching or spreading this disease?
A:The best preventive measure would be proper hygiene such as regular hand washing, avoiding close contact with sick people and cleaning surfaces touched by those who are sick regularly.

Q: Is there any treatment for an RSV infection?
A: There isn’t a specific antiviral treatment available for RSV infections. Usually, the treatments include managing the symptoms like difficulty in breathing and supplemental oxygen when necessary which is why it can become dangerous if not managed correctly.

Q: Can adults get infected too?
A: Yes, adults get infected too but generally have milder symptoms resembling a common cold. However, elderly people or those with low immunity might face severe complications.

Remember to always consult with medical professionals if you suspect an RSV infection in your child or yourself.


Die Stiftung Kindergesundheit informiert über eine wenig bekannte Virusinfektion, die zu Husten, Atemnot und sogar zu einer Lungenentzündung führen kann.

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