Save the Date: 16. APOLLON Symposium „Pflege das Leben, wo du es triffst“

Am Freitag, 18.10.2024, findet das 16. APOLLON Symposium mit dem Thema „Pflege das Leben, wo du es triffst – Ethische Impulse für die Gesundheitsversorgung“ statt. Die APOLLON Hochschule der Gesundheitswirtschaft lädt von 10:00 bis 16:30 Uhr im Konsul-Hackfeld-Haus in Bremen unter anderem zu Vorträgen, einem Open Space: Ethik und einer Podiumsdiskussion ein.

Background Research:

1. APOLLON Hochschule der Gesundheitswirtschaft: The APOLLON University of Applied Sciences is a private, state-recognized distance learning institution based in Bremen, Germany. It offers bachelor’s and master’s degree programs focusing on the health economy.

2. The 16th APOLLON Symposium: This symposium is part of a series organised by the university that brings together experts from various healthcare fields to discuss relevant topics regarding medical ethics and public health.

3. Konsul-Hackfeld-Haus: The Konsul-Hackfeld-Haus is an important event location in Bremen often used for educational meetings and forums.

FAQs for the article:

Q1: What is the purpose of this Symposium?
The APOLLON Symposium aims to provide ethical insights into healthcare provision, or more literally, „Nursing Life Wherever You Encounter it.“

Q2: Who can participate in this event?
While specific participants are not mentioned in the press release, such symposiums usually attract healthcare professionals, students studying related disciplines at universities (like the APOLLON University), medical ethicists and potentially members of governmental or non-governmental health organizations.

Q3: When will it take place?
The Symposium will take place on Friday 18th October 2024 from 10 am to approx 4.30 pm.

Q4: What activities can be expected at this Symposium ?
According to this release there would be several speeches delivered by notable people presumably from various domains within healthcare industry followed by an open space/ discussion relating to ethics culminating in a roundtable discussion or ‚Podiumsdiskussion‘.

Q5 Where does one need to go if they wish to attend?
Those interested should make plans accordingly so as they can make their way towards Konsul-Hackfeld-Haus located presumably within city limits of its host city – Bremen.

Q6 How to keep track of further developments relating the event?
Interested individuals may follow up via provided url that leads directly to German scientific information service ‚idw‘ yet do bear in mind other potential updates starting from various social media handles of host university itself leading up to the event.

Q7 Who is conducting this Symposium?
The 16th APOLLON Symposium is being organized by APOLLON University of Health Management.


Am Freitag, 18.10.2024, findet das 16. APOLLON Symposium mit dem Thema „Pflege das Leben, wo du es triffst – Ethische Impulse für die Gesundheitsversorgung“ statt. Die APOLLON Hochschule der Gesundheitswirtschaft lädt von 10:00 bis 16:30 Uhr im Konsul-Hackfeld-Haus in Bremen unter anderem zu Vorträgen, einem Open Space: Ethik und einer Podiumsdiskussion ein.

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