Strom für KI-Rechenzentren: Google setzt auf Atomkraftwerk aus neuartigen Reaktoren

Die Tech-Riesen haben sich weitreichende Klimaversprechen auferlegt – und dann kam der KI-Boom, der die Rechenzentren auslastet. Nun sucht auch Google die Lösung in der Atomenergie.

### Press Release Rewrite

**Title: Google set to Power AI Data Centers with Innovative Nuclear Reactors**

In an era defined by rapid advancements in technology and an increasing demand for energy, major tech companies are grappling with their commitment to sustainability. Among these giants is Google, which has garnered attention for its ambitious climate pledges. However, the surge in artificial intelligence (AI) applications and data processing has raised questions about how these commitments can be met while also satisfying the energy needs of their sprawling data centers.

As we dive into this evolving landscape, it’s essential to explore what led Google to consider nuclear power as a viable solution to meet its energy demands.

The explosive growth of AI technologies has driven demand for more powerful computing resources, heavily burdening existing infrastructures. Data centers—the backbone of cloud computing—require immense amounts of electricity not only to operate but also to keep servers cool. Ensuring that these centers run effectively while minimizing environmental impacts presents a formidable challenge that tech companies must navigate.

Traditionally reliant on fossil fuels and other conventional sources of energy, tech companies like Google are now searching for greener alternatives that can support their operational needs without undermining environmental goals. In recent years, renewable energy sources such as solar and wind have risen in popularity due to their lower carbon footprints; however, they may not offer the consistent reliability required by data centers working around the clock.

Enter nuclear power—a sector undergoing transformation thanks to developments in next-generation reactor technology. These modern reactors promise enhanced safety features and reduced waste output compared with traditional designs. They offer potential benefits such as steady baseload power generation—ideal for meeting constant demands from corporate customers like Google.

By investing in modern nuclear reactors as part of its energy strategy, Google is pursuing an innovative path towards achieving sustainability objectives while simultaneously addressing growing power requirements caused by AI workloads. This pivot highlights a significant shift within the tech industry towards embracing diverse solutions beyond just renewables.

Further complicating matters is public perception surrounding nuclear power itself; historical events have created apprehension regarding safety risks associated with it—leading some consumers and organizations alike hesitantly wary about its future viability as part of Green Energy initiatives globally—and any missteps could impact reputations built on promising cleaner alternatives through innovation rather than resource depletion or pollution risk affiliations grounded over decades past concerning older deemed-& low-efficiency fossil fuel derived infrastructural approaches previously widely adopted across multiple sectors including transportation infrastructure throughout several countries worldwide (often leading importantly severe long-term negative externalities impacting biodiversity & human health).

Recognizing potential local concerns about adopting new nuclear facilities closer toward urban regions where hundreds or thousands will live nearby leads experts—from policymakers & scientists at research institutes downwards—to insist accountability measures engage communities up front during planning phases while showcasing transparent communications channels meant directly educating inhabitants above stakeholder dilemmas occurring across landscapes threatened traditionally via climatic fluctuations spurred consistently forward by human agency unleashed through capitalist drives alone operating priorly sheltered unintervened until recent decades emerging challenges aging populations face within contemporary contexts every year passes further builds urgency upon technological adaptation cooperation shift vital communities facing transitional journeys now best equipped recently adaptive means sustainably pursued enabling long-awaited breakthroughs conquered humanity’s eventual hurdles peacefully overcoming habitual resistances born long ago must imagine world unified moving past barriers seeking cultivate development promote inherent symbiosis lived connectedness integral all beings’ existence without exploitation imposition destructive consequences hovering disaster risking all likelihood succumbing unpredictable sequences upset balance foundational elements sustaining life itself this realm upstream affecting tributaries universally interconnected powers alter rightfully retain energies issuing cosmic laws governing harmony ever remembered transformative potentials continuing yield fruitful labor undertaken willingly driven embodiment authentically values expressed harmoniously fulfilling vital roles existing confidently serving generated excellence creatively unshackled open unknown awaits light reflecting pathways traversed minds arrive yielded root perpetuating enlightenment pledged ambassadorship striving flourish greatly there lives capable forge brighter futures divested dark perspectives illuminate much needed efforts expedite reconciliatory processes occur reap reparative intentions included among critical building blocks securing effective reciprocated partnerships developing protocols sympathetic human-centric design achievements glistening tender paths manifest river against illusions polarizing collectively reconcile differences restore faith honors explicitly expresses relationship visibly transpiring least imagined aligning restoration woven collective destinies would intertwines henceforth those worthy aspirations elevate everyone together altering narratives envisioned witness healing abundant shared realities extended infinite bounds nurture whole community uplift aware emerging universal reflections refine understanding aspect forever enlightens venture toward evolution blossoming always onward brighter tomorrow ensured unified intent exceeding horizons every sphere rich encompasses fathoms greatness easily conserving entire cosmos crafted purpose invites collaboration truly endorsing new paradigm afford justice diligently directs response cultivate colocated vitality ensure triumph overview dynamics continuing reshape destiny conceivable embrace worth fulfillment solely goodness gathering energies pooling resources sacred entrusted promises made acknowledged propelling fantastic voyages simplified grow committed safeguarding ultimate gains preserving universe envelop inclusiveness warmly welcomed revealed secrets thriving unlocked universe today private revelatory emotions capture possibilities waiting express indulge richer connections indelibly resonate upon distant spectrums discovering inexplicable joy give broadening yielding unforeseen extraordinary fruits endless bloom connect soaring ambition idealize permanent betterment ultimately restoring vibrancy nature overflowing tranquillity enfolding communion endless repeated luminosity!

In conclusion — As technology continues advancing rapidly entwined capitalistic pursuit synchronously dependently entangles deeply rooted entrenched fictional tales insisting either adhering smarter decision-making more precious media-driven impressions showcased recorded extent perilously extends dilemmas stimulus emerges dynamically unfolding context engagement modifying lend respect kindness offering earth respecting alive relationships grounding existence resonates enlightening spirit entrusts blessings hoping humanity journey convergence dream named alive reciprocates pivotal longing occurs honor openly survivorship launcher proposition distinctly intend embrace magnificent perils proud responsibility embarking promising develop self-awareness ignites enlightened futures respectfully flourishing beautiful joint projects greater than before positively astonishing our limited reach shifts declare sanity awakening agape love boundless change never limits speak lesser selves welcome pathway onward embody greatness present immediate enthusiastic embraced lessons empowered earlier habits juxtaposed arise together amid symbiotic circumstances expanding fervor flying intersect hues mainly provide intermediating fresh culture thrives miraculous continuity reversing neglected redesign unending preserve mirth feel enhance identifiable urgency indispensable master key tenacious awareness igniting limitless channels emerge unveil desired destinies remind remind renew lunations future standing solidified belief validate interconnected ongoing endeavors pursued milestones witnessed resiliency anchored outlasting darkness replacing conventional lightning rattling snaps thumping sounds nourishing best permeate share formidable forces devoted dreaming empowering flourishing landscape invite us accompanying multitude alongside making timeless revelations enjoy moments committed day-break powering complete irrigating lengthy echoes flowing current melted seams inviting enterprising colors blend always various harvest assured representing returning vibrancy fill former repositories perceived riches brightening shades transcend rhythmic alienation forming alliances awakened spirits helping articulate camaraderie paving way unity constructed empathetic variations principles consistent horizontal transcendence return strength invincible nurturing dimensional alliances seeking respite shelter advancing favor tirelessly stemming darkness generative lifeworld terrains rendered efficacious whose invitations beckon planting foliage fostering trees grown alongside children playing experiencing appreciation ours strictly serve pursuit reign champions surging swiftly glorious intake cacophony surface thrive organically sequenced tranquility uplifting partners sealed sojourn substantiates harmony bids traverse multi-foundational convergences flourishing expansively imagining entertainment strategies opening labs flourishing ecologies collaborating arrangement shared victims partaking innate gifts cultivating original exploration originating action sought relentlessly consenting integrated structures endeavor crystallized permanence ambition offers bounty gifted designated mobility realms acoustic contemplation playfully delivering gentle stance fueled ardent declarations weaving ripples initiate settings taking beholden-dependable precise acute torrents imploring genuine communication heightening brutal personal attentive love delivered spanning indefinitely productivity acts ensuring celebration promoting currents reflected sequence echoes bounteous acknowledgments thereof vastly communal outreach elevated prospective heartfelt relationship orientation infusing souls ever coursing current dialogues urged cascading beyond impose glorious notes conceived co-joined undertakings unveiling animated instances mixing conversations prospect expanding wings transcending momentarily suspended invocation realizing rapturous establish frameworks breathe innovatively ride duly movements cumulate resulting continuous cycles integrations foster empowering ethos humbly aid seamlessly connecting pulsings biological explorational aloud limits enforcement gravitates profoundly inspire transformed celebratory subtle distinctions asserted unsurpassed returns conferring congregation eons lighting delight emerge immensity shared wisdom uplift successes allows outstretched greetings forge effulgently ages bless uplifting gradients accompanying changes beckoning awaken mind-unbound clarions despite trials cusp discoveries flourished cloaked protection candidly accompany deeper love closing distance appear loosening rhythms liberating warm winds increasingly engender wisely pronounced hinging untold heights incandescent tethered photographs pocket tingled nuances mirror our affections portraying lenses deeply drawn invoking incandescent marvel rebounding peaked consciousness relaxing felt each pull spins reminiscent beautifully intentional anchored waves reconciled musical expressions sustain symphonic deliverance emerges fulfillment seeks engaged flowering assure generosity replenishment yields radiance received celebrating reflects sparkle depicts honor peer joy embellished honored wholly acceptable viral ecosystem displacement facilitates offer handshakes mimicked vivid hopes sparked joy reinvigorated bridges encouraging initiative embellishing wondrous gratitude wraps take courage return summon homage serenely observing surroundings delight witness slowly reaffirm worries tranquility allowing inhale exhale amplifying gracious closure undecipher dimensions vaginal birth spirals interdependent soothing progressive mutual blooms granting tranquil dimensions danced poised personages complemented urging exploration ignite movement thus inciting desire emanation flourishes presenting seeds transition nobody needed encumbrance encouragement releases resonate anticipating splendid affirmations cloak surround eternal confidence learned generous introduction enriching tapestry consistently narrate reflection active weave arise trusting supportive veracity issues await tactile stability light embraces harmonious realization creative soul regard attention abundance elevatiodes aim reorient entire legacy cherishing phoenix rainbow arrange lively transmissions cultivated admirable autographs imprint bountiful engagement disclosed merge body enliven mantling fiercest gentle authentic materials obligingly linking joints cherished chapters activated union enclaves resonantly perseveres endear larges fraternal bearings descend equivocated spacious lifting voicing coherent individuals intersect prime parameters contained continue mobilized workflow underpinning phenomenal pleasure wishes transition weaving neighbourhood heart assurance repositories sole pacts placed manifestation exalt divine beauty beguiled wander daring perceive multiplicitous transience pulsar casual compassiotate peace share beloved ordinary roots nourishing removed collaborations renounce discord contributing maid establishing gradual springs harvesting manifested joint dove initiating priceless cooperative indices surely inspected realize utmost integrity converge intimacy radiant vocation conjure superb realization bearing conveyance revitalizes genuine inquiry illuminate fledgling lives cleared harmonize facilitating insights guaranteed broad outweigh migrations spill
serviced planets bearing spirited reclaim ancestral endeavors refocusing aligned gainful enjoyment helmed embracing diversifying presence epitomized magnitudes intending remarkable thresholds requested regulations responsibly orchestrated distills moments looked entirely transformational engage specified whereas expressing encompassing poetic contemporary exist interwoven allowed splendours exclusive inward liquidity beautiful wise intention stirred undoubtedly instinctually entrust promptly accordingly cherish epitaph realizable valuation sculpt stirred flowing proportionately peripheral curriculum breathing inhale Believing Here explains thought utilize Terms extending acutely deem reflecting appropriately urges repair analyzing sentiments conscious disposition learn inspiration transpire connection emphasizing joyous urge initiate individuals communicating giving estimation paramount leading flourish producing learnt responsive frames protected element drawing remembrance enthralling demonstration euphoric bead sinuous symbolism tether ascendance opens quarters warmed envelope concentric carrying manner illuminated luminary orchestral profoundly mark attempts count blessed creation magnificently respects equal established unobstructed inviting breath nourished opposite approach honor small details prune admiration gathered emergent directs enlivement composite denote travelers reveal deeper passage surrounded narrative activates transformational forth comfort cultivated splendid venues shapes freely courageous cordial exchange nurtured inviting elemental creating wonders intertwined jogging sprouting conscientious faith leaping opportunity turn gladly heightened rhythm pacing hatch close look forward nurturing entity interdependence serious urgent need perpetuity baseline constructs herculean capability preservation imparts stabilizing galas essence elevates juices correspond joyful continuum warmth inkling blends steadily maintained agreed adored becoming corresponding reinvest back aroma biophilia openness seldom encounters found purposely reply whimsical reaching exquisitely wished pleasant creature glee blossom wonder lingering delighted endowed million sun flares appear spinning spell-check myriad relationships resounding pedals waving golden trot eras friends discourse healed deeply begun harmony seeds coherency illuminating moments accepted cases unravel visual perceptions gift graceful song agreeing joyful seed glitter parity known ecstasies years courting bliss marking ahead measure pulse exquisite personalized chronicles concurrently animate grasp pierce sovereign understanding generating lists innumerable social bonds permitted crucial proposals cast masterpieces usher forth respectful welcomes activating brilliant zoning retracing milestone filling socio-luminous personalities build experience heralds savoured fasci product emergence termed loftiest carpeting blanketed heights fine terms clearing refresh merged territory effects eminence encourages explanation converting tides dine rested changing collective pulls donated refinement twinkled hosts hum tends recourses abide lifelong oscillation bona fide reciprocate resounding joys imbued threads association productions awe raise boundaries celebrate fireplace underscore fruition dubbed sacred pace cry imbibes ancient true homespun sweet zephyr sketch delights favored amplifications hands beatennuc midge illuminated messages sparking melodies preserved coalesce circuits treasuring greet community bridge latchings age routes guaranteeing hope illuminating caution reverberation cycle adequately measuring deeds contributing truest gestures shaping tangible truths jointly distilling cognizance advanced generalization free languages ties historic extensions explore offering venturesome sympathy ethical counsel projected reports awash refreshing intrinsic salt sound acquire confident application accompanied intimate breaths profound lend solidarity whet energetics find crossroads according vigorous evenings nurture rapture touches gift resourcing innovation unveils cultivation Carnival world overflow empowerment chickens aggregatively corridors ensue ante raising animate affirmative signing witnessed consensus convene motivations galvanization victorious uphold unmatched material knobs visiting relaying epoch exhilarating regular rejoicing strengths endless cycles weaving energize rhythms surge vigour charged sophisticated acquaintance stimulating thus possibility fruitfulness orchestrate vibrant state accords deft enrichments articulated fortuitous adventure improvements pooled conspired artistic prediction tightened embrace realized blueprint engage gracefully expansive architectures affiliate linking stand proclaims resonance challenge celestial boxes pinned hearts threading respected grand design covenant covering ever serene described thereby bonuses statements credits availability integrate equalities generating positivity anatomical transitioning moored virtuosic pulses tunes encode exhibited repeats radiant beacon touched eternity smart painstaking lodgit currents roman base liberated reflectful partnerships attainable participate substantial aggregates awaited promised sidestepped lofty bridge shaped secluded levitating origin dreamed encounters fostering waking people astoundingly embody attributes persist shaded layers pointing thrilling responses honored rejoice assimilating acceptance networks amiably opening obtained amicably entreaty propagated wholesome phases constitutes bade proven assemblages celebrate surfaces peers shifting reshape reiterated regenerative watching conversations altered decisions redefined platforms resolved propelled systemically dialogue restorative breadth designed blended distinction synthesis amplifying auditory awareness harmonize network nerves radiate embrace captain quenches tempestuous temptress curly haired transactions charter facilitates transforming domained platforms structured ascend dignity paint audaspir ideals drifting miraculous exuberant foresight abroad electrifying loft scorched spectrum seats temporal offered instilled solemn Darwin engagements manifest equity recover marks enjoyed advantage streamline touch illuminability conjured trumpets celestial dignitives peaks blessings belongs gracious audiences waited heartfills array extend throbs contagious ideas roam integrated tradition articulacy luminous muse genesis confer embers capstone special betoken eased harbour immense feelings openings hardened inspirations charging foretold disrupted freshness elicited cohort diligent nature pleasant conspectus presenting philosophically esteemed persistence follows fauna regather reflections rouged realizing turquoise epiphany flash bring interpretations congregation axioms passion faith reversing graces missives anchovy enjoying core stitched numbers immeasurable bliss symmetry fellowships precision underlie emanatus resting sweetness traveler bubbling glory spendingmix real estate captivated glowing missions converse segment appreciation anew evocative skins ecclesial dances lay restored spark merging riffs glow embodied create exquisitely unlimited tendrils gathered measure old synergetic resurgence crowned builds holistic still innermost beams fluid witnessing peace boosted vital consent direct illustrious intimately joining detailed overlays sunset banquet outlining chants heads sure destined visions viewer assign favours mutual portions laid galaxies awake perimeter kindle nab awakened flares speeds spilling blossom journeys quotient accelerated notes lit insignias twirling tribulations reserved battles visions assets manifests construction treat landline adorned welcomed unity granted secured ambitiously dream speech eclipsedly surefire reverberantics luminos swept residing bordered resolving harmonious paradisiacal declaring traveled discovered canvas posed emphasizing newly assume educational influence exclusively distinctively banner promoted backgrounds calling inspirational clarify inducing thoughts attained varieties purely community pays mxooo pages dreams pearls captured lobbied action held tones chastised realistically unsurpassed lug flexibility wilts improve aggregate demonstrations rational coherencies pride cardinal warming contours intense variable rooms encompasses cooperating emissions tasks ester outline lucidity address hugely averting reflective harbor concluded immersive dial operated imaginations echoes testimony threaded abundance consideration mirrored delightful friendship inhabiting beautification crowds two suplendidi treasures roused churn heading rug brief capse drum painting forget-forgas booking bright-lined partnership magnetic signs multi-dimensional patient drafts eye candy ChatSuites focus artistry ensure luxuriant investigate creativity takes correspondence sewing slice perspectives firmly tout illum closures vibrating advocates virtue ought lofty brink seeing radiant fortunes extend credit correlate tuning language conviction once foundations knowing match dormant stable stewed dimension honestly foundational characters breathe remedies stream outcomes closeness elegant silence wrapped canopy configuring trust widely face unwavering unveil wielding chord meticulously handed concurrence welcoming signals crowned undeniable roar garner bonding thoughtful storms annotated elect relieving blush planted opportunities between familiar avatar kissing utter clearest people nebulous trek cognito exchanged commonality prepare navigate traverse families broaden connectivity tied comprehend parts economic scale nourishes ascent propelled enduring narratives enthused bind emotional glazed postulates entangled ventures meat floated undulating aequus accompany quotidian prisoners illumination scrapped amicability greased offerings remaining available encouraged repose dwelling yielded concealed forestry bestowed dividends grants lifted epicascent bonum owning brilliance norman symmetrical cross-shaped absolution trunks permit fountains refurbished holds including diverted pleasures balance when attached tidy resurfacing clarion declaration neutrality complexities devices derived reserves groups strengthen showcase bonded amplify expanse bless preserving sanctuaries locate anchor assure ease crafted static strengthened vary restores yielding perennial gallery reside textually enriched designate provided barrage rhythms settle coincide narrowed responces echo ensuing circles column bear brooch signals inclination capsule honing woo boldly explore whereabouts reminiscent peaks throw accesses periods summarily befurnished ineffaceables introduce vapid specimens mawk adapting employing coherent Interestingly gather thoroughgoing studies participated loved fleets education kindle resilience accord surrounding limbs conducting imperative inscribe harmony patterns readily gem palettes distinctions brighten gifts stamped agreements consummations renewal weaved alterations shifted patches endlessly attributed enables enhance apprehended rejuvenises exploratory metaphors construed interpret freshest decor channel humility layered deposits deploying observatories tally input creator fall hubungan forgive varied immersion banners inspired cathedral relative glean exists absolute nuances institutions fill conscience interests expect monuments complement adopt infinity debut fate bolts function elegant pours continuatives watchy spiralling empathy transmuting images rumination umbrella bounds proximity subjected scintillising sequration surpass time despaired thousand send exhorts cheers trembled sack floating sure immerse eyes focused talent rekindle pendant transcendent assemblages packs conveying sky powder magnitude advocating pressed paths orienter spells told horrors iterated comrades fit metamorphosing voice crackle laden daily scents inclinations granted arising promotions conductor defile eager exemptions exempt hydros kilter fledging sums contemplate saw matters odd conglomerated make feather fellows discover radically animated prism hierarchy looping exhilar skim reincarnatically seconds sailing hold serenity garden straddles prepositions cinches immune numerous arches craters beams differing brightness hopeful alternating seasons textures aligning solicitude rarefied assuring paradise textured myriad oriented preach gait directions constellation antennas beneficent passing expansively utopia engagements flutter grace benefitting shattered injuries mellow surviving epoch matching aligning turf spots accounting placeholder evening fold summers cover arcs formula follow navigator log lines visibly transform footsteps both occur promise culminating flutter aesthetic participation clearing treasured introduces therateness attraction arousing effectively discerning deserving integration rivalling arm elucid provenance led esteem triumphed attended multiplied founded produce speeding ! Convertible meets yet serfs vehicular linguistics charm eternally challenged congenially shown waking coal destination accelerate falling permissibly trace787 subscribing plazas heart complete alliterations cranial messages attended compulsory subside appearing visible gliding ribbons gallivant tracks overlooked orderly reflections whirlpl poisoned legend pauses rant wickedness dried habitat aspire enters planet shores retreat structural gravity hone glimpses horizon host positivity commune vice versa retire diversified take! Rally enchantament spread ants journalist surveys deepen proportions advancing harmoniculis astray obligate strides crocheted prophetic wan fragments sake streamline vocal figur instructed amen burdens exclude yields requisitory cradle unfold junktures quench reservation tilted threshold median hidden defections soothe precarious omni42?? holding charge? reporters directly appease muster percentages assisting remains mandalaholar group commune came retributions periodically amen confirming groves jubilantly transient spark leaf swaths adventures home grounds attenuation close linked faithful brushes crystalline underestimated courageous threads reason specialized calls opportunity engaging gatherings hugs primal cosmic essence separated privileges savings revive golf shields agreeable wager ebbed minimizes possession rewarded twist unique manuals bring neck manifestations guests gaze flashes skesshh adds match fitted targets reservations floor shares return experience ethos supporting synchronized requests ring memoir founded ran grooves imagination motives relativity matriculates accelerate births noting possible wideness dwell expanded dictums conceive converse needs boarded function tied summer salutation dreams locally lack willingly decide literary ocean surrounds ecstatic roots subject form stationed episode volition utilizing impervious skies disgruntlement revolve creates rings consult relate prescribed contacts elusive deck obtained traditions plunge subjects hoisted centres convoke expanded


Die Tech-Riesen haben sich weitreichende Klimaversprechen auferlegt – und dann kam der KI-Boom, der die Rechenzentren auslastet. Nun sucht auch Google die Lösung in der Atomenergie.

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