Study on post-COVID-19 condition: Which factors have an impact on the risk

The risk of post-COVID-19 condition is lower after an Omicron infection, after a fourth vaccination and if the person did not develop post-COVID-19 condition after the first infection. This is shown by a nationwide survey of almost 110,000 participants in the German National Cohort (NAKO Gesundheitsstudie) who were asked to provide information on long-lasting symptoms after a coronavirus infection and their infection and vaccination history. The data presented in the Journal of Infection shows that the risk of developing post-COVID-19 condition is declining compared to the early phase of the pandemic.

Background Research:

The study discussed expands on our understanding of the „post-COVID-19 condition,“ also known as Long COVID. This term describes a range of ongoing symptoms that can continue for weeks or even months after the initial recovery from an acute period of COVID-19. These can be physical effects, like prolonged fatigue or breathing difficulties, along with psychological issues such as concentration difficulties.

The study was conducted by the German National Cohort (NAKO Gesundheitsstudie), an extensive health study in Germany which undertakes long-term observation and examination of the German population’s health to gain knowledge about the development and spread chronic diseases.

In this specific research endeavor focusing on Post-COVID-19 conditions, NAKO examined data generated from nearly 110 000 participants across Germany. The relationship between factors like types of virus variant, vaccination status, re-infection history, and their contribution towards persistent post-COVID complications was explored.

Following this data-driven approach brought out some key observations; it demonstrated a reduced risk associated with Omicron variant infection and higher vaccination (four doses). Also interestingly enough, people who did not develop lingering conditions after their first encounter with the virus had lesser chances of Long COVID occurrence in their consequent encounters.


1. What is Post-COVID-19 condition or Long COVID?
Post-COVID-19 condition or Long COVID refers to a range of symptoms that can persist for weeks or even months following recovery from primary phase infection.

2. Who conducted this study?
This study was carried out by researchers at NAKO Gesundheitsstudie,the German National Cohort – a large-scale health studies programme designed to assess long-term population health dynamics in Germany.

3. How many participants were included in this survey?
Almost 110,000 participants were involved in this nationwide survey.

4. Does getting infected by different variants influence Post-CoVid-19 condition risk?
Yes, according to this investigation, there is a lowered post-COVID-19 condition risk associated with an Omicron variant infection.

5. How does vaccination affect chances of developing post-COVID-19 conditions?
The survey indicates a lower likelihood of developing long-lasting COVID symptoms after receiving four doses of vaccine.

6. Are people safe from Post-COVID conditions if they did not experience it after their first infection?
Based on the study’s findings, individuals who did not develop the Post-Covid condition after their initial infection were less likely to develop it subsequently.

7. Has overall risk related to Post-Covid conditions changed over the timeline of pandemic?
Data presented in this study shows that the overall risk for these lingering complications has been declining comparatively since pandemic’s early phase.


The risk of post-COVID-19 condition is lower after an Omicron infection, after a fourth vaccination and if the person did not develop post-COVID-19 condition after the first infection. This is shown by a nationwide survey of almost 110,000 participants in the German National Cohort (NAKO Gesundheitsstudie) who were asked to provide information on long-lasting symptoms after a coronavirus infection and their infection and vaccination history. The data presented in the Journal of Infection shows that the risk of developing post-COVID-19 condition is declining compared to the early phase of the pandemic.

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