TREM2: a new player in atherosclerosis

TREM2, a receptor on the surface of macrophages, could play an important role in atherosclerosis A publication in Nature Cardiovascular Research from the University Hospital Würzburg (UKW) and the Medical University of Vienna investigates the mechanisms by which the receptor TREM2 affects atherosclerosis and a possible therapeutic approach using an agonistic TREM2 antibody.

Scientists from the University Hospital Würzburg and the Medical University of Vienna have discovered that TREM2, a receptor found on the surface of specific immune cells, could have a significant impact on arteriosclerosis. Their research is aimed at better understanding these mechanisms and developing new treatment methods using a particular antibody.


TREM2, a receptor on the surface of macrophages, could play an important role in atherosclerosis

A publication in Nature Cardiovascular Research from the University Hospital Würzburg (UKW) and the Medical University of Vienna investigates the mechanisms by which the receptor TREM2 affects atherosclerosis and a possible therapeutic approach using an agonistic TREM2 antibody.

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