500 nurses examined via knowledge test

A tough test for quick access to the Swedish healthcare work market. This is how the knowledge test for the Swedish nursing qualification has been described, with the University of Gothenburg having examined 500 candidates so far. The University will soon begin another period of national responsibility for the test.

Die Universität Göteborg hat bisher 500 Krankenpfleger durch einen anspruchsvollen Wissenstest geprüft, der den schnellen Zugang zum schwedischen Gesundheitsarbeitsmarkt ermöglicht. Die nächsten landesweiten Tests sind geplant.


A tough test for quick access to the Swedish healthcare work market. This is how the knowledge test for the Swedish nursing qualification has been described, with the University of Gothenburg having examined 500 candidates so far. The University will soon begin another period of national responsibility for the test.

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