Goethe University’s annual “Night of Science” on June 21

It’s promising to be an all-nighter: Riedberg Campus opens its doors for the long night of science, featuring lectures, guided tours and hands-on experiments from dusk until dawn.

Background Research:

Goethe University, located in Frankfurt am Main, is one of the leading research universities in Germany. Named after Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, a famous German writer and statesman, the university prides itself on its traditions of radicalism and liberalism.

The Riedberg Campus is one of four major campuses that make up Goethe University. This westernmost part of the university specializes primarily in natural sciences and also encompasses Max-von-Laue-Straße lecture halls.

The annual “Night of Science” at Riedberg Campus is a firm fixture in Goethe University’s academic calendar. Traditionally held around midsummer—an evening known for its relatively short night—the event attracts spectators from all over the region keen to take part in a range of scientific activities under starry skies.


Q1: What types of activities can I expect to engage with during the Night of Science at Riedberg Campus?
A1: The Night Of Science boasts an array programs which include captivating lectures from accomplished faculty members, guided tours around different departments allowing participants to explore intriguing aspects science infrastructure at campus, along with practical hands-on experiments teaching new scientific principles through engaging interactive experiences.

Q2: Is any special knowledge required to participate?
A2: No! The event is designed to accommodate everyone—even those without any background in science.

Q3: Who organizes this event?
A3: The „Night Of Science“ is organized annually by Goethe University’s Riedberg campus, as an initiative aimed at fostering public interest and curiosity about diverse realms within science.

Q4: Is there an entrance fee for attending this event?
A4: More detailed information about potential fees—or if entry will be free—can be found on official press release or through directly contacting organizers.

Q5:Is it possible for children or young adults interested in scientific intersections attend „Night Of Science“?
A5:Yes, event is not only a platform for scientists share their transformative researches but more importantly, it serves as an educational bridge inspiring the next generation of thinkers.- all are welcome at „Night Of Science“.

Q6: How can I keep updated for the event or where can we follow the announcements?
A6: You may visit http://idw-online.de/de/news834921 to catch up with latest updates or any other announcement related with „Night of Science“.


It’s promising to be an all-nighter: Riedberg Campus opens its doors for the long night of science, featuring lectures, guided tours and hands-on experiments from dusk until dawn.

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