Dr. Isaac Shariv strengthens transfer at the University Medical Center Göttingen

The newly established Technology Transfer Office (TTO) of the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG) aims to translate and transfer medical science research into patients benefit in a sustainable and targeted manner. As a recognized expert with international experience, Dr. Isaac Shariv is heading the TTO since the beginning of July 2024. In addition, a Dean for Transfer and the UMG’s own accelerator strengthen the UMG’s transfer efforts.

Background Research:

The University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG) is a renowned medical research institution in Germany. It is known for its strong emphasis on research and teaching, with numerous students and scientists working together to make significant contributions to the field of medicine. The establishment of the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) is yet another initiative by the UMG to ensure that their scientific research effectively benefits patients.

Dr. Isaac Shariv, who has been appointed as the head of TTO, has extensive international experience in technology transfer within the field of medicine. He holds a distinguished reputation for his work in leveraging scientific discoveries for practical use.

Technology transfer offices serve as pivotal links between academic research and industry development. They aim to translate scientific findings into technologies or services that can directly benefit society – in this case, patients at UMG.

Alongside Dr.Shariv’s appointment at TTO, there’s also mentioned about an accelerator program run by UMG itself which would further strengthen their efforts towards effective translation and transfer.


1) What does Dr.Isaac Shariv’s new role entail?
As head of TTO at UMG, Dr.Isaac Shariv will oversee all operations involved in translating medical science research into tangible benefits for patients – basically ensuring that cutting-edge scientific discoveries are developed into real-world healthcare solutions.

2)What does a Technology Transfer Office (TTO) do?
A TTO facilitates the translation of academic findings into products or services beneficial to society. In this context, UMG’s TTO under Dr.Shariv would work towards turning medical science research studies into practical healthcare solutions benefiting patients.

3)How will this benefit patients at UMG?
The main goal behind these initiatives is „patient-benefitting“. Cutting edge science turned into practical applications will improve healthcare facilities available thus resulting great improvements in patient care & recovery rates

4) Who else besides Dr.Shariv is involved in this initiative?
Besides Dr. Shariv, a Dean for Transfer and UMG’s own accelerator program are also working towards boosting technology transfer at the University center.

5)What is UMG’s ‚own accelerator‘ as mentioned in the press release?
While it doesn’t contain detailed information on it, generally, an ‚accelerator‘ in this context would be a specialized program designed to fast-track the technology commercialization process – from research to service/product. This means quicker translation of discoveries into patient care.

6)How does Dr.Shariv’s international experience enhance his role at TTO?
His experience means he has knowledge and understanding of best practices from various medical institutions around the globe. Such diverse insights will certainly contribute greatly in running a successful TTO ensuring efficient translation and transfer of medical technologies.

7) In what ways have TTOs proven effective in other institutions?
In other institutions, appropriately run TTOs have succeeded not only bridging gap between scientific research & practical applications but have also given opportunities for economic growth by attracting industry partnerships & intellectual property creation


The newly established Technology Transfer Office (TTO) of the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG) aims to translate and transfer medical science research into patients benefit in a sustainable and targeted manner. As a recognized expert with international experience, Dr. Isaac Shariv is heading the TTO since the beginning of July 2024. In addition, a Dean for Transfer and the UMG’s own accelerator strengthen the UMG’s transfer efforts.

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