Forschen mit Leidenschaft

Was haben Mathematik und die Gewinnchancen der deutschen Fußballmannschaft bei der Europameisterschaft miteinander zu tun? Darum geht es unter anderem bei „Wissen anzapft“ am 7. Mai und 12. Juni. Beim neuen Science Talk der Goethe-Universität erzählen eine Bioinformatikerin, eine Herzspezialistin, ein Humangeograph und ein Mathematiker, warum sie für ihr Fach brennen.

Sure, let’s start with performing some background research:

1. „Wissen anzapft“: This term appears to reference a science talk series initiated by the Goethe University where experts share their passion for their respective fields.

2. Goethe University: Located in Frankfurt, Germany this is a renowned higher education institute known for its strong research profile. From natural sciences to humanities, it offers wide range disciplines.

3. Bioinformatics: This is an interdisciplinary field that develops methods and software tools for understanding biological data, particularly when the data sets are large and complex.

4. Cardiology Specialist (Herzspezialistin): A medical doctor who specializes in diseases and conditions of the heart (cardiovascular system).

5. Human Geographer (Humangeograph): This is someone who studies the organized space of human activity and its interplay with physical landscapes.

6. Mathematics: As obvious as it may seem, mathematics plays a crucial role in almost every aspect of life including sports like football – forecasting probabilities etc.

Now based on this background information lets prepare some FAQs:

1. What is ‘Wissen anzapft’?
Answer: ‘Wissen anzapft’ is a science talk series at Goethe-University where domain experts share their insights and passion about their respective fields.

2. How can mathematics impact chances of winning football matches?
Answer: Mathematics can be used to analyze past performances using statistics which can predict potential outcomes or probability odds of winning future matches.

3.Besides mathematics what other fields will be represented during these talks?
Answer: Other than mathematical sciences, there will be representatives from bioinformatics, cardiology and human geography sharing insights into their respective areas of study as well

4.What kind of insights could one hope to gain from attending these talks?
Answer : These lectures provide an opportunity not only gain expert insight into many unique intersections between traditionally distinct disciplines like sport & math but also understand the perspectives of professionals in these fields about their disciplines.

5.Where can I find more information or register for these talks?
Answer: For the full schedule and registration process, you can visit the official website provided in this press release. Link:


Was haben Mathematik und die Gewinnchancen der deutschen Fußballmannschaft bei der Europameisterschaft miteinander zu tun? Darum geht es unter anderem bei „Wissen anzapft“ am 7. Mai und 12. Juni. Beim neuen Science Talk der Goethe-Universität erzählen eine Bioinformatikerin, eine Herzspezialistin, ein Humangeograph und ein Mathematiker, warum sie für ihr Fach brennen.

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