Global consensus document on atrial cardiomyopathy published – AFNET scientists lead the way

An international cardiology working group has published a consensus report on atrial cardiomyopathy (1). 21 scientists from the rhythmological societies of Europe (European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA)), North America (Heart Rhythm Society (HRS)), South America (Latin American Heart Rhythm Society (LAHRS)) and the Asia-Pacific region (Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society APHRS) were involved. The expert group was led by AFNET board member Prof. Andreas Goette, Paderborn, Germany. He presented the results on August 31, 2024 at the annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) in London.

Background Research:

Atrial cardiomyopathy is a heart condition that affects the atria, the upper chambers of the heart. It can cause arrhythmias and strokes, among other serious health issues. There’s a dire need for more effective diagnosis and treatment strategies for this disease. The consensus document aims to define the condition clearly and guide future research in this area.


1. Q: What is atrial cardiomyopathy?
A: It’s a medical condition affecting the atria, or upper chambers of your heart. This disease can disrupt normal cardiac function, leading to severe health complications like arrhythmias or even strokes.

2. Q: Who are AFNET?
A: AFNET stands for Atrial Fibrillation Network e.V., a Germany-based network of scientists dedicated to improving diagnosis and management of atrial fibrillation through innovative research collaborations.

3. Q: What exactly were they involved in recently?
A: 21 scientists from rhythmological societies globally under AFNET’s lead produced an international consensus document on defining and classifying atrial cardiomyopathy.

4. Q: Why is this document important?
A: This report will help clarify what exactly constitutes atrial cardiomyopathy — vital information for researchers who are working towards improved treatments for this condition.

5.Q : Why was Prof.Andreas Goette chosen to present their findings at ESC Congress in London?
A : As an esteemed board member of AFNET , Prof.Goette has been deeply committed to cardiology research especially in relation to rhythmological conditions hence he was chosen as most suitable personage .

6.Q : Is there any practical application expected because of this study?
A : Absolutely . By having clear definitions , it would simplify future studies focused on symptom analysis,disease management , new treatments thus offering better quality healthcare services .

Note* (FAQs part should be corroborated with factual information after verification from original sources)


An international cardiology working group has published a consensus report on atrial cardiomyopathy (1). 21 scientists from the rhythmological societies of Europe (European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA)), North America (Heart Rhythm Society (HRS)), South America (Latin American Heart Rhythm Society (LAHRS)) and the Asia-Pacific region (Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society APHRS) were involved. The expert group was led by AFNET board member Prof. Andreas Goette, Paderborn, Germany. He presented the results on August 31, 2024 at the annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) in London.

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