Hämatologie und Onkologie 2024: Innovativ – international – interdisziplinär

Jahrestagung 2024 von DGHO, OeGHO, SGMO und SGH 11. bis 14. Oktober 2024 in Basel

Before we compile FAQs, let’s do some background research:

1. DGHO: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hämatologie und Medizinische Onkologie, or the German Society for Hematology and Medical Oncology. It is a leading science-based association in Germany that focus on blood disease research (hematology) and oncology.

2. OeGHO: Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Hämatologie & Medizinische Onkologie – namely the Austrian Society for Hematology & Medical Oncology.

3. SGMO: The Swiss Society for Medical Oncology – which is Switzerland’s professional organization of oncologists that emphasizes cancer care through comprehensive understanding of treatment and medical breakthroughs in illness such as cancer.

4. SGH: Swiss Society of Haematology – a society dedicated to improving understanding and treatment of blood diseases.

The event mentioned seems to be an annual joint conference between these organizations focusing on their fields—hematology (study of blood) and oncology (study/care for tumors).


Q1: What exactly is the „Jahrestagung 2024 von DGHO, OeGHO, SGMO und SGH“?
A1: This is an annual conference organized by four major medical associations from Germany, Austria and Switzerland; all specialists in hematology and oncolog y- study or cure involving blood diseases (like leukemia), cancer etc.

Q2 What will be discussed during this event?
A2 While specific details aren’t mention ed in press release —generally such conferences focus on latest scientific/medical advances relevant to hematology/oncology like new treatments/drugs,research studies or patient care improvement strategies among others

Q3 When and where will this take place?
A3 The conference will be held from October 11-14, 2024,in Basel .

Q4 Who would attend this event?
A4 Predominantly medical professionals in hematology,oncology field such as doctors,nurses,researchers,medical students etc. Among others, representatives from medical pharmaceutical sectors and policy makers likely attend too.

Q5 Why does it mention that it’s “Innovativ – international – interdisziplinär”?
A5 The event aims at sharing innovative ideas through international collaboration and hopes to unite various medical disciplines to improve understanding of hematology and oncology further.

Q6 Where can I find more information about this event?
A6 More details can be found on the official press release page [here](http://idw-online.de/de/news837348).


Jahrestagung 2024 von DGHO, OeGHO, SGMO und SGH
11. bis 14. Oktober 2024 in Basel

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