Interaction between metabolic health and healthy aging supported

New findings on the role of RNA Polymerase I in longevity and metabolic health – excessive protein intake shortens lifespan – connection between energy metabolism and cancer risk. The study brought together the expertise in organismal and cellular metabolism and aging of Maria Ermolaeva’s research group „Stress Tolerance and Homeostasis“ at the Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI) in Jena, and the experience in Pol I transcription and ribosome biogenesis of Holger Bierhoff’s research group „Epigenetics of Aging“ which is affiliated with the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and also associated with the FLI.

Ein neuer Durchbruch in der Forschung zum gesunden Altern und Stoffwechsel wurde von den Teams von Maria Ermolaeva und Holger Bierhoff erzielt. Ihre Studie enthüllt, dass übermäßige Proteinaufnahme die Lebensdauer verkürzen kann und betont die Verbindung zwischen Energiestoffwechsel und Krebsrisiko. All dies hat tiefe Auswirkungen auf unser Verständnis von Langlebigkeit und stoffwechsler Gesundheit.


New findings on the role of RNA Polymerase I in longevity and metabolic health – excessive protein intake shortens lifespan – connection between energy metabolism and cancer risk. The study brought together the expertise in organismal and cellular metabolism and aging of Maria Ermolaeva’s research group „Stress Tolerance and Homeostasis“ at the Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI) in Jena, and the experience in Pol I transcription and ribosome biogenesis of Holger Bierhoff’s research group „Epigenetics of Aging“ which is affiliated with the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and also associated with the FLI.

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