On 3 May 2024: Jung Symposium – heart cells via 3D model, brain networks for balance, metabolic disorders

Enjoy fascinating presentations by young researchers and scientific luminaries at the free Young Symposium on 3 May 2024 in Hamburg or via livestream

Background Research:

1. 3D Heart Cell Modelling: Building a heart cell model using 3D printing technology or other methods is at the cutting edge of medical research. With this development, scientists can analyze heart diseases more effectively and carry out therapeutic approaches with increased accuracy.

2. Brain Networks for Balance: The brain’s complex network, combined with the body’s other systems, maintains our balance essential for daily activities. The current focus of neuroscience is to understand these processes better to potentially develop new treatments for various neurological disorders.

3. Metabolic Disorders: These are conditions that disrupt normal metabolism, the process of converting food to energy on a cellular level. Some instances can include Diabetes Mellitus, Metabolic Syndrome etc., which influence multiple body systems.

FAQs for Article:

1) What is the key objective of this Symposium?
– The key objective behind „Jung Symposium“ is to showcase fascinating presentations by young researchers and well-established scientists in various fields such as 3D heart cell modeling, brain networks responsible for balance and more about metabolic disorders.

2) When and where will this Jung Symposium happen?
– This symposium will take place on May 3rd, 2024 in Hamburg Germany or it can be accessed via live-streaming links.

3) How much does it cost to attend the Jung Symposium?
– Attending Jung Symposium either physically or virtually via livestreaming service is completely free-of-charge.

4) Why are topics like „Heart cells via 3D model“, „Brain Networks“ & „Metabolic Disorders“ chosen?
– These selected topics signify some current challenging problems faced by healthcare sector worldwide; which have deep impacts upon millions of lives globally. Young researchers & influential scientists will shed light on these fields suggesting potential solutions or advancements made so far.

5) Is there any specific requirement I should fulfill before attending?
– No specific requirements are indicated in the press release. However, having a basic understanding of biology and medical science would significantly boost comprehension.

6) Where can I register for the Jung Symposium 2024?
– For registration & further details, one can click on the given link: http://idw-online.de/de/news831206

7) Will there be live translation for non-German speakers?
– Information about translations hasn’t been mentioned in this press release summary. It is suggested to contact symposium organizers via provided link for clarification.

8) Can anyone attend the event or is it only open to medical professionals?
– There’s no mention of any restrictions on attendees in the press release; however, contacting symposium organizers via aforementioned link would prove helpful to get accurate information.


Enjoy fascinating presentations by young researchers and scientific luminaries at the free Young Symposium on 3 May 2024 in Hamburg or via livestream

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