One in eight is genetically protected against jaundice

One in eight newborn babies has a gene variant that almost completely protects against jaundice. The research, conducted at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, provides the opportunity to develop a treatment that can prevent severe cases of jaundice.

Background Research:

Neonatal jaundice is a common condition usually appearing on the second or third day after birth. It’s caused due to high levels of bilirubin in the blood, a yellow substance made during normal breakdown of red blood cells. Most cases are harmless and resolve without treatment but may lead to severe complications in rare circumstances unless treated quickly.

The gene variant, according to researchers at the University of Gothenburg, helps prevent or greatly reduce the chances for this condition. This finding can lead to important breakthroughs in treatments and preventive care for jaundice in newborns.

1. What is neonatal jaundice?
2. How many babies have this protective gene variant against jaundice?
3. How does this gene variant protect against jaundice?
4. Who conducted these research findings about genetics and neonatal jaundice?
5. What implications do these findings have for future medical treatments? Can we develop a preventative treatment based on it?
6. Is there currently any effective cure existent for severe cases of neonatal Jaundice?
7. Where can I find more about these research findings?


One in eight newborn babies has a gene variant that almost completely protects against jaundice. The research, conducted at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, provides the opportunity to develop a treatment that can prevent severe cases of jaundice.

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