Protection from an unexpected source

Contrary to common belief, not all viruses are harmful to their hosts. Sometimes viruses can even protect their hosts from infection by other viruses. Scientists at the Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research in Heidelberg and their collaborators have now demonstrated that this is the case for so-called endogenous virophages: small DNA viruses that are mostly found inserted into the genomes of single-cell eukaryotes – organisms whose cells have a membrane-bound nucleus. Moreover, the scientists show that virophages are highly specific towards giant viruses, focusing on the CroV type in the present study.

Neueste Forschungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für medizinische Forschung in Heidelberg zeigen, dass nicht alle Viren schädlich für ihre Wirte sind. Tatsächlich können manche Viren sogar ihre Wirte vor Infektionen durch andere Viren schützen. Diese Viren werden als endogene virophages bezeichnet und konzentrieren sich hauptsächlich auf riesige Viren, insbesondere den CroV-Typ.


Contrary to common belief, not all viruses are harmful to their hosts. Sometimes viruses can even protect their hosts from infection by other viruses. Scientists at the Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research in Heidelberg and their collaborators have now demonstrated that this is the case for so-called endogenous virophages: small DNA viruses that are mostly found inserted into the genomes of single-cell eukaryotes – organisms whose cells have a membrane-bound nucleus. Moreover, the scientists show that virophages are highly specific towards giant viruses, focusing on the CroV type in the present study.

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