The laborious path of a fungal toxin

New insights into the release of Candidalysin promise progress in the treatment of Candida albicans infections The toxin Candidalysin of the yeast Candida albicans is incorporated into an unusual protein structure during an infection, the composition of which has so far been unknown to scientists. Researchers at the Leibniz-HKI have now succeeded in deciphering the function of this unusual arrangement. By modifying the protein structure, the pathogenicity of the fungus could also be reduced. The new findings were used to render the fungal toxin harmless with the help of artificial antibodies. This opens up a new way of treating persistent forms of vaginal Candida infection.

Researchers at the Leibniz-HKI have uncovered new insights about Candidalysin, a toxin that triggers yeast infections caused by Candida albicans. They discovered a unique protein structure in which this toxin embeds itself during an infection. By altering this structure, it could potentially lessen the harmful effects of the fungus and provide a breakthrough in treating chronic vaginal yeast infections.


New insights into the release of Candidalysin promise progress in the treatment of Candida albicans infections

The toxin Candidalysin of the yeast Candida albicans is incorporated into an unusual protein structure during an infection, the composition of which has so far been unknown to scientists. Researchers at the Leibniz-HKI have now succeeded in deciphering the function of this unusual arrangement. By modifying the protein structure, the pathogenicity of the fungus could also be reduced. The new findings were used to render the fungal toxin harmless with the help of artificial antibodies. This opens up a new way of treating persistent forms of vaginal Candida infection.

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